Fig. A4
BMS - Building Management System
IN1 - "Sensor input"
Selection of the measurement range:
6 / 10 / 16 / 25 bar
Selection of the signal type:
0-10 V / 4-20 mA / 2-10 V / 0-20 mA
IN2 - "External input"
IN2 - External input ON / OFF
Selection of the signal type:
0-10 V / 2-10 V / 0-20 mA / 4-20 mA
PID - Parameters
PID: "P" parameter: 0.01 -> +30.0
PID: "I" parameter: 10 ms -> +300 s
PID: "D" parameter: 0 ms -> +300 s
Other adjustments 1
Deactivation time at zero delivery rate:
0 ms -> 180 s
Reduced frequency: ON / OFF
Communication frequency HIGH/MID/LOW
Selection of SBM relay
Factory setting return: ON / OFF
Selecting the application: open hydraulic loop
and closed hydraulic loop
Other adjustments 2
Units m / bar / ft / psi
Appears when the "BMS" is activated.
See the operating manual for this product
Does not appear when the "speed stage control"
is activated
Does not appear when the "PID control" is activated
Does not appear when the IN2 input = OFF
Does not appear when the "speed stage control"
is activated
In PID mode, "P": -30.0 -> +30.0
Does not appear when the "speed stage control"
is activated
To be performed with motor switched off
Return to factory setting after validating
the application change
WILO SE 10/2019