Help in case of malfunction
Fault code
CN005: Bumper de-
CN007: No loop sig-
CN008: Loop signal
CN010: Bad position
CN011: Escaped robot The appliance is outside the
CN012: Cal: no loop
CN015: Cal: outside
CN017: Cal: signal
The appliance has driven in-
to an obstacle and cannot
free itself (e.g. collision close
to the base station).
No loop signal
The boundary cable is
Loop signal is too weak.
Loop signal too weak
Boundary cable buried
too deep
The appliance is outside
the designated grass
The boundary cable has
been routed in a criss-
cross pattern.
designated grass surface.
Fault during the calibration:
The appliance cannot
find the boundary cable.
Fault during the calibration:
Loop signal too weak
No loop signal
The boundary cable is
Place the appliance on the free,
designated grass surface.
Correct the location of the boundary
Check the LEDs on the base sta-
Check the power source of the base
station. Disconnect and reconnect
the power supply.
Check the boundary cable for dam-
age. Repair the defective cable.
Check the LEDs on the base sta-
Check the power source of the base
station. Disconnect and reconnect
the power supply.
Raise the boundary cable to the
prescribed height; attach directly on
the grass if necessary.
Place the appliance on the free,
designated grass surface.
Correct the location of the boundary
cable around curves and obstacles.
Eliminate the criss-crossing of the
Correct the location of the boundary ca-
ble around curves and obstacles.
Check the LEDs on the base sta-
Check the power source of the base
station. Disconnect and reconnect
the power supply.
Place the appliance at the pre-
scribed calibrating position; align
precisely at right angles. Appliance
must be able to drive over the
boundary cable.
Place the appliance at the pre-
scribed calibrating position; align
precisely at right angles.
Check the power source of the base
station. Disconnect and reconnect
the power supply.
Check the boundary cable for dam-