Always replace defective
parts with original spare parts
from the manufacturer.
Have the appliance repaired if
it has been damaged.
The user of the appliance is
responsible for accidents of
the appliance involving other
persons or their property.
3.4.5 Electrical safety
Never operate the appliance
when a lawn sprinkler is oper-
ating on the mowing area at
the same time.
Do not spray the appliance
with water.
Do not open the appliance.
Unpacking the machine
1. Open the packaging carefully.
2. Carefully remove all components from the
packaging and check for transport damage.
Note: If there is any transport damage, im-
mediately notify your AL-KO dealer, techni-
cian or service partner in accordance with the
warranty conditions.
3. Check the scope of supply, see chapter 2.1
"Scope of supply", page 38.
If the appliance is going to be sent on, retain the
original packaging and accompanying docu-
ments. They will also be required for return ship-
Planning the mowing areas (01)
Location of the base station (01/1)
Shortest possible distance to the largest
mowing area
Level surface
Protected against direct sunlight and harsh
weather conditions
Connection option for power source
Free accessibility to the robot lawn mower
Routing the boundary cable (01)
The boundary cable must be laid in a continuous
loop in a clockwise direction.
Corridors between mowing areas (01/h)
A corridor is a narrow section in the grass surface
and can be used to connect two mowing areas.
Main area and secondary area(s) (01)
Main area (01/HF): This is the grass surface
on which the base station is located and
whose entire surface can be mowed auto-
matically by the appliance.
Secondary area (01/NF): If a grass surface
cannot be reached by the appliance from the
main area, carry the appliance to the second-
ary area by hand if necessary. Secondary ar-
eas can be processed using manual opera-
The main area and secondary areas are bounded
by the same continuous boundary cable, howev-
Location of start points (01/X0 – 01/X3)
At the specified mowing time, the appliance
moves along the boundary cable to the specified
start point and begins to mow there.
The start points can be used to specify which ar-
eas of the mowing area are to be mowed several
Preparing the mowing areas
1. Check that the grass surface is larger than
the area covered by the appliance. If the
grass surface is too large, an irregularly
mown lawn will result. Reduce the size of the
grass surface to be mowed if necessary.
2. Before installation of the base station and
boundary cable or start-up of the appliance:
Use a lawn mower to mow the grass surface
to a low cutting height.
3. Remove any obstacles on the grass surface
or exclude them with the boundary cable (see
chapter 4.5.3 "Excluding obstacles",
page 48):
Flat obstacles that will be run over and
could damage the cutting blade (e.g. flat
stones, transitions from the grass surface
to the terrace or paths, plates, kerb-
stones, etc.)
Holes and protrusions in the grass sur-
face (e.g. molehills, burrowing holes, pine
cones, fallen fruit, etc.)