immediate switching OFF and ON again there is a switch-on delay,
because the motor first has to come to rest before it can restart.
Furthermore, please pay attention that a permanent use with reduced
speed can cause an overload because the motor then gets less cooling air
and therefore the machine will be overheated much faster.
The integrated temperature control protects the machine from thermal
overload. In such a case it switches off the motor. After a certain period of
cooling time the tool can be switched ON again.
Mounting of Special Stirring Rods
In order to work properly with the tool, it is important to mount the special
stirring rods in a specific position. For this purpose, turn the work spindles
so that the marks L and R show to the front. Then push the two enclosed
round rings on the end of the spindles. After that insert the stirring rods in a
way that the same marks are placed one below the other (picture 1).
For fixing the stirring rods in the work spindles push the enclosed metal pins
through the bore holes of spindle and stirring rod (picture 2).
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3