5 Operate the coffee button (Image 1 – no.6). The blind filter will fill with water.
6 Operate the coffee button in intervals of approx. 20 seconds.
7 Repeat point 6 several times until the water released by the outlet connection is clear again.
8 Remove the portafilter again, rinse it with fresh water and place it back into the brew group.
9 Operate the coffee button. The portafilter is filled with water again. Repeat this several times.
10 Remove the portafilter and place a filter into the portafilter. Now the brew group is ready for use again.
Beware of hot sprayings while cleaning the group. (danger of injury).
7.3 Maintenance
Make sure that the machine is disconnected from the power supply during maintenance and
when replacing parts.
Replacing the group gasket and the shower screen
1. Switch off the machine, disconnect the power cord and make sure that the machine is cooled down to
room temperature.
2. It is recommended to remove all the removable parts (cup warming tray, water tank lid, water tank, drip
tray), then turn the machine over.
3. Loosen the countersunk screw in the middle of the brew group and the shower plate with an Allen key
(3 mm)
4. The shower screen and the shower holder (brass) can be removed easily.
5. Under the shower holder is a thin ring, the gasket of the shower plate.
6. The group gasket can only be removed by inserting a thin screwdriver between shower holder and group
gasket. Pry out the group gasket (the old group gasket will be damaged / destroyed).
7. Clean the groove completely, before installing the new group gasket.
8. When inserting the group gasket, make sure that the bevelled side is facing upwards so that it is no
longer visible.
9. Press the group gasket gradually into the pre-cleaned groove.
10. Then screw in the shower plate and the shower holder.
11. In order to ensure that the group gasket is inserted properly, carefully clamp a portafilter without filter
into the brew group.
12. The brew group is ready for use again.
Follow the steps as indicated below:
Brew group at the beginning
Translation of the original German user manual
Remove the countersunk screw in
the middle of the brewing unit
Remove the shower screen and the
shower plate