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Scope Of The Warranty; Abnormal Environmental Conditions - Atlantic IMMENSIO Installatie- En Onderhoudshandleiding



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7. Scope of the warranty

Failures caused by the following are not covered under this warranty :

7.1 Abnormal environmental conditions

• Damage caused by impacts or falls during handling after leaving the factory.
• Placing the appliance in a place exposed to frost or adverse weather conditions (damp, aggressive
or poorly ventilated environments).
• Using a water with aggressivity criteria such as defined by the Plumbing DTU 60-1 addendum 4,
hot water (chlorine content, sulphates, calcium, resistivity and TAC).
• Water hardness 8°f.
• Non-compliance with electrical mains standards (NF EN 50160) (power supply does not demonstrate
min. or max. voltage, non-compliant frequencies, for example).
• Damage resulting from problems which cannot be detected due to the choice of position (difficult
to access places) and which could have been avoided by immediate repair of the appliance.
7.2 An installation not compliant with the regulations, standards and good practice
• Missing or incorrect assembly of a safety unit compliant with standard EN 1487, or a change to its
settings, etc...
• Fitting a hydraulic system directly onto the water system preventing operation of the safety unit (reduc-
tion in pressure, stop cock, etc.) (see page 13).
• Abnormal corrosion of pick-ups (hot or cold water) due to an incorrect water correction (incorrect sea-
ling) or lack of dielectric sleeves (direct iron-copper contact).
• Faulty electrical connection: not compliant with standard NF C 15-100 or standards in force in
the country, incorrect earthing, insufficient cable thickness, flexible cables connected, non-compliance
with the connection diagrams provided by the manufacturer.
• Position of the appliance not compliant with the information in the instructions.
• External corrosion due to poor pipe sealing.
• Protective cover is missing or not correctly fitted.
• Cable sleeve is missing or incorrectly fitted.
• Appliance falls due to the use of mountings not suitable for supporting the installation.
7.3 Faulty maintenance
• Abnormal scaling of heater elements or safety units.
• Non-maintenance of the safety unit resulting in pressure surges.
• Modification of the original product without the manufacturer's advice or using spare parts not recom-
mended by the manufacturer.
• Non-compliance with the magnesium anode maintenance conditions (see «tank maintenance» para-
These devices comply with the EMC Directive 2014/30/UE, the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/UE, the ROHS
Directive 2015/863/UE and 2017/2102/UE and the Ecodesign Regulation 2013/814/UE supplementing Direc-
tive 2009/125/EC.



