Please refer to the type plate, engraving, title page of your manual (bottom left)
or to the sticker on the back or underside for the item number.
If functional errors or other defects occur, first contact the following service
department by phone or email.
You can download this manual and many other user manuals, product
videos and software at
This QR code will take you directly to the Lidl service page
( and you will be able to access your
operating manual by entering the article number
Inter-Quartz GmbH, Valterweg 27A, 65817 Eppstein, GERMANY
Email:, Phone: +49 (0)6198 571825
00800 5515 6616
00800 5515 6616
00800 5515 6616
Please note that the following address is not a service address. Contact
the service office named above first.
digi-tech gmbh, Valterweg 27A, 65817 Eppstein, GERMANY
Year of manufacture: 2022
Art. no.: 4-LD6333-1-2, IAN 438564_2210
00800 5515 6616
800 5515 6616
00800 5515 6616
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