The motors do not work; no warning light turns on.
The machine does not move and the display (71)
shows the error code:
At the machine start-up, the LED (64) of the
switch (63) ß ashes and the brushes do not work.
The brushes do not work; the red warning light
ß ashes.
The 3 warning lights (62) ß ash simultaneously.
The display (71) shows an error code as:
where "00" is replaced by a code different from
The dirty water vacuuming is insufÞ cient.
The solution ß ow is insufÞ cient.
The squeegee leaves marks on the ß oor.
If the machine has a battery charger installed, the machine cannot operate if the charger is not on board. In case of
battery charger malfunction, contact an authorised Service Center.
For further information, contact NilÞ sk Alto Service Centers.
9098960000(1)2011-04 A
Bedienungsanleitung auf
The battery connector is disconnected.
The batteries are discharged.
The machine has been turned on by using the
ignition key and by keeping the pedal pressed.
The machine has been turned off without
lifting the brush deck.
The batteries are discharged.
The brush motors are overloaded.
There are foreign materials (tangled threads,
etc.) preventing the brushes from rotating.
The machine electronic control system is in
alarm condition.
The recovery tank is full.
The vacuum grid is clogged or the ß oat is
The container with debris collection grid is
The hose is disconnected from the squeegee. Connect.
The squeegee is dirty, or the squeegee blades
are worn or damaged.
The tank cover is not properly closed, or the
gasket is damaged.
The solution tank is empty.
The solution Þ lter is dirty.
The Chemical Mixing System tank (optional)
is dirty/clogged.
There are debris under the squeegee blades.
The squeegee blades are worn, chipped or
The squeegee is not balanced with the
SCRUBTEC R 466 - R 471 - R 471C - BOOST
Charge the batteries.
Release the drive pedal.
If the problem persists, contact an authorised
Service Center.
Wait for the deck to lift before turning on again
the brushes by pressing the switch.
Charge the batteries.
Use less aggressive brushes and/or avoid
working with extra pressure turned on.
Clean the brush hubs.
Turn off the machine and then turn it on again.
If the problem persists, contact an authorised
Service Center.
Empty the tank.
Clean the vacuum grid.
Clean the squeegee or overturn/replace the
Correctly close the cover or clean/replace the
ReÞ ll.
Clean the Þ lter.
Clean with the drain cycle.
Remove the debris.
Overturn or replace the blades.
Adjust the squeegee.