The user of this product is expected to follow the instruc�ons given in
opera�ng manual. Although all instruments le� our warehouse in perfect
condi�on and adjustment the user is expected to carry out periodic checks
of the product's accuracy and general performance.
The manufacturer, or its representa�ves, assumes no responsibility of
results of a faulty or inten�onal usage or misuse including any direct,
indirect, consequen�al damage, and loss of profits. The manufacturer, or
its representa�ves, assumes no responsibility for consequen�al damage,
and loss of profits by any disaster (earthquake, storm, flood ...), fire,
accident, or an act of a third party and/or a usage in other than usual
The manufacturer, or its representa�ves, assumes no responsibility for
any damage, and loss of profits due to a change of data, loss of data and
interrup�on of business etc., caused by using the product or an unusable
product. The manufacturer, or its representa�ves, assumes no
responsibility for any damage, and loss of profits caused by usage other
than explained in the opera�ng manual.
The manufacturer, or its representa�ves, assumes no responsibility for
damage caused by wrong movement or ac�on due to connec�ng with
other products.
1. If the standard or serial product number will be changed, erased,
removed or will be unreadable.
2. Periodic maintenance, repair or changing parts as a result of their
normal runout.
3. All adapta�ons and modifica�ons with the purpose of improvement
and expansion of normal sphere of product applica�on, men�oned in the
service instruc�on, without tenta�ve wri�en agreement of the expert
4. Service by anyone other than an authorized service center.
5. Damage to products or parts caused by misuse, including, without
limita�on, misapplica�on or negligence of the terms of service instruc�on.
6. Power supply units, chargers, accessories, wearing parts.
7. Products, damaged from mishandling, faulty adjustment, maintenance
with low-quality and non-standard materials, presence of any liquids and
foreign objects inside the product.
8. Acts of God and/or ac�ons of third persons.
9. In case of unwarranted repair �ll the end of warranty period because
of damages during the opera�on of the product, it's transporta�on and
storing, warranty doesn't resume.