Use 5/8ʺ (at the bootom or on the side of the tool) thread to set a tool on
the tripod. For precise posi�oning above the target loca�on, use the
plumb down point. Due to its high accuracy, the device reacts very
sensi�vely to vibra�ons and changes in posi�on.
1. Press bu�on ON (№14 pic.2). Power indicator (№13 pic.2) and Remote
opera�on Indicator (№8 pic.2), will light up. Shock warning Indicator
(№12, pic 2) will blink. If the tool is out of range (±5° ), the Manual
indicator (№20, рic.2) and laser diode will blink, rota�on will not begin.
Turn off the tool and remove the inclina�on more than ±5°.
2. Verify that the instrument is in automa�c mode. The Manual indicator
(№9, рic.2) will blink while self-levelling.
3. The tool is ready for work. When the Power indicator (№1 рiс.2) is lit,
the Manual indicator (№9 рiс.2) has stopped blinking, and the laser
beams are projected. The tool is now leveled and the laser head rotates
clockwise at 600 rpm.Shock Warning indicator (№12 pic.2) will stop
blinking in 60 sec a�er switching on.
The tool is equipped with warning func�on about displacement. Such
func�on prevents automa�c self-leveling on the revised height. As a result
it avoids errors during laser mark.
1. SHOCK WARNING mode is ac�vated automa�cally in 60 sec a�er
switching on and self-leveling. Indicator (№12 pic.2) starts blinking. In 60
sec when the self-leveling is completed, the mode is ac�vated and
indicator (№12 pic.2) lits constantly.
2. If the tool shi�s from its ini�al posi�on a�er the ac�va�on of SHOCK-
WARNING mode, laser head rota�on stops and laser emi�er will blink
frequently. SHOCK WARNING indicator (№12 pic.2) and manual mode
indicator (№9 pic.2) will blink frequently on the keypad of the tool.
3. Check the posi�on of the tool. If necessary return it to its ini�al posi�on.
4. Press bu�on (№11 pic.2) to switch off a SHOCK WARNING mode. The
tool starts to self-level automa�cally. Manual mode indicator (№9 pic.2)
will blink while the tool is self-leveling.
5. To switch on SHOCK WARNING mode again, press bu�on (№11 pic.2).
Indicator (№12 pic.2) starts blinking. In 60 seconds a�er the
self-leveling process, the mode is ac�vated and LED indicator
(№12 pic.2) lits constantly. If SHOCK WARNING mode isn't switched on,
the tool will self-level a�er every displacement.