∫ The covering tolerates normal ambient
temperatures (-18°C to +60°C).
∫ Do not completely close the blades of
the covering with frost.
∫ The bladed roof of your covering is wa-
∫ In order to ensure good water resistan-
ce, your covering must be installed ac-
cording to the installation instructions.
Damage caused by rainfall due to poor
installation is not covered by the gene-
ral warranty.
∫ Condensation may form at the bottom
of the blades.
∫ A covering is an open 'outdoor' con-
struction, not comparable to a (ther-
mally) closed, waterproof and windp-
roof conservatory. Furniture, floor, etc.
must be suitable for outdoor use.
∫ The set-up, location, finishing, design,
installation, etc. as well as extreme and
exceptional weather conditions can
have an (unforeseen) influence on the
∫ Drop formation can occur in the frame
and columns. If in doubt as to whether
the drop formation is abnormal (not
inherent to the product), please con-
tact the installer. He or she can assess
whether or not it is a defect/error.
∫ Water splashes on the gutters during
heavy rainfall are minimized due to the
perforated louvres (panels) but can ne-
ver be completely avoided.
∫ DO NOT spray off with high pressure.
∫ The bladed roof provides limited pro-
tection against snow load. This de-
pends on the dimensions of the sys-
∫ In case of heavy snowfall, the roof must
be open.
∫ With blades, the covering can handle
wind speeds of 120 km/h in stacked
condition. For stand-alone coverings,
the warranty for wind loads of up to
120 km/h only applies to cast or rein-
forced mounting bases.
∫ The blades can be operated at wind
speeds of up to 50 km/h and must be
stacked at wind speeds of > 50 km/h.
∫ We recommend that the Fixscreens
should only be lowered in windless
surroundings (max. 15 km/h). Upward,
you can operate the sun protection fa-
bric at wind speeds of up to 30 km/h.
∫ All screens must be erected at wind
speeds exceeding 60 km/h.
∫ It is strongly recommended that you
activate a wind function in the app!
How to do this can be found on page
∫ When tilting and sliding the blades and
when rolling the sun protection fabric
up and down, there must be no obsta-
cles preventing this movement, e.g.
branches, cables, etc.
Electrical control
∫ Stop the movement immediately if the
motor makes an abnormal noise. Con-
sult the installer if you cannot find the
cause yourself.
∫ If the final adjustment of the motor is
no longer adequate (e.g. the roof does
not close completely), consult your in-
∫ See also specific electrical regulations
(page 127).