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User Weight Less Than 22 Kg - Quickie Puma 40 Sedeo Ergo Gebruikershandleiding



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Due to the weight of the Puma 40 wheelchair it is always
necessary to use a 6 strap tie down system, 4 straps at the
rear of the wheelchair and 2 at the front.
A representative Puma 40 Sedeo Ergo wheelchair has
been tested in accordance with the dynamic performance
requirements specified in ISO 7176-19:2008 "Wheeled Mobility
Devices for use in Motor Vehicles".
The 6 point strap restraint system, 4 straps at the rear and 2
straps at the front, conforms to ISO 10542 or SAE J2249 and
was used in accordance with the WTORS manufacturer's
The Unwins TITAN 1 restraint system was used for these tests.
However other 6 strap restraint systems may be used as long
as they conform to ISO10542 or SAE J2249 and are used in
accordance with the WTORS manufacturer's instructions. They
must also be checked to make sure that they are sufficiently
specified for the weight of the wheelchair and rider
NOTE: In order to restrain the wheelchair effectively using a
six point strap system please ensure that the tie down straps
are correctly tensioned as per the WTORS manufacturers
The tie-down restraints should be fitted to the main
frame of the wheelchair as indicated by the diagrams
in this section. Positioning of tie-down restraints on the
wheelchair, and not to any attachments or accessories,
e.g. not around the spokes of wheels, brakes or footrests.
The tie–down restraints should be attached as close as
possible at an angle of 45 degrees and tightened securely
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Alterations or substitutions must not be made to the
wheelchair tie down points or to structural and frame or
components without consulting the manufacturer. Failure
to do so will invalidate the ability of a Sunrise Medical
wheelchair to be transported within a vehicle.
Both pelvic and upper torso restraint belts must be
used to restrain the occupant to reduce the possibility
of head and chest impacts with the vehicle components
and serious risk of injury to the user and other vehicle
occupants. (Fig.13.2) The upper torso restraint belt should
be mounted to the vehicle "B" pillar - failure to do so will
increase the risk of serious abdominal injuries to the user.
A head restraint suitable for transportation (see label on
headrest) must be fitted and suitably positioned at all times
during transportation.
The safety of the user during transportation depends
upon the diligence of the person securing the tie down
restraints and they should have received appropriate
instructions and/or training in their use.
Wherever possible remove and stow safely away from the
wheelchair all auxiliary equipment, for example: Crutches,
Loose cushions, Tray Tables, etc.
Articulating/elevating leg rest should not be used in the
elevated position when the wheelchair and user are
being transported and the wheelchair is restrained using
Wheelchair Transport and Occupant Restraints.
Reclining backrests should be returned to an upright
The manual brakes must be firmly applied.

13.2 User Weight Less Than 22 kg:

When the user being transported is a child, less than 22Kg
mass and the vehicle involved has less than eight (8) seated
passengers it is recommended that they be transferred to an
UNCE Regulation 44 compliant child restraint system (CRS).
This type of restraint system provides a more effective
occupant restraint system than the conventional 3 point
occupant restraint system and some CRS systems also
include additional postural supports to assist in maintaining the
position of the child when seated.
Parents or care providers may consider the option, in some
circumstances, for their child is to remain in their wheelchair
whilst in transport due to the level of posture control and
comfort provided by the set up in the wheelchair.
We would recommend in such circumstances that a risk
assessment be carried out by your healthcare professional
and relevant competent persons.
Puma 40 Sedeo Ergo



