5.7 Standard Armrests:
Armrests-removing and replacing (Standard Seat).
The armrests on both sides of the wheelchair can be flipped up to
allow side transfer, (Fig. 5.10).
For side transfer flip the armrest all the way up until it goes into its
mechanical stop. This frees your space for side transfer.
To bring the armrests back into their position flip it all the way
down until it sits on its mechanical stop. Guide it in its downward
movement and do not let it fall on its own.
5.7.2 Standard Seat : Armrest Height Adjustment :
The following section outlines armrest height adjustment. In the
case of either fine or gross adjustment, it is a two-part process:
PART I: Adjust the armrest height using the rear pivot.
PART 2: Adjust arm pad angle using the front pivot.
1.Basic fine adjustment.
PART 1 (Fig. 5.11)
Up to 145 mm of armrest height adjustment can be achieved using
the 5.0 mm fine height adjustment screw to fine tune the armrest's
Use the 5.0mm Allen key that is stored on the inside of the left
hand arm rest.
Turn the screw at the upper rear pivot and your armrest will
move up or down depending on the rotation direction.
PART 2 (Fig. 5.12)
When your armrest is at the desired height, use the same tool
to turn the screw below the lower front pivot of the armrest.
This will set the arm pad angle to the required setting.
To adjust the armpad fore and aft:
• Loosen the 2 bolts at the bottom of the arm pad rail.
• Slide the armpad along the channel nuts.
• At this point some inward and outward angle adjustment is also
• Move the front bolt from front hole to the slot hole, (A).
• Tighten the bolts securely when the angle is set.
• When the correct position is reached tighten the 2 bolts securely
with the 5.0 mm Aallen Key, (Hex Wrench).
• Place the tool in its original space so it can be used for further
adjustments in the future.
All screws should be checked periodically for tightness.
A loose arm pad could slip down when pressed.
Fig. 5.11
Fig. 5.12
Fig. 5.13
Puma 40 Sedeo Ergo