1 Alvorens het apparaat te gebruiken
Illegale kopieën
Het Congres heeft officieel de reproductie van de volgende zaken onder bepaalde
omstandigheden verboden. Straffen in de vorm van geldboetes of gevangenisstraffen
kunnen worden opgelegd aan degenen die schuldig worden bevonden aan het maken
van dergelijke reproducties.
1. Obligations or Securities of the United States Government, such as:
Certificates of Indebtedness
Coupons from Bonds
Silver Certificates
United States Bonds
Federal Reserve Notes
Certificates of Deposit
Bonds and Obligations of certain agencies of the government, such as FHA, etc.
Bonds (U.S. Savings Bonds may be photographed only for publicity purposes in
connection with the campaign for the sale of such bonds.)
Internal Revenue Stamps. If it is necessary to reproduce a legal document on which
there is a canceled revenue stamp, this may be done provided the reproduction of
the document is performed for lawful purposes.
Postage Stamps, canceled or uncanceled. For philatelic purposes, Postage Stamps
may be photographed, provided the reproduction is in black and white and is less
than 75% or more than 150% of the linear dimensions of the original.
Postal Money Orders.
Bills, Checks, or Draft of money drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United
Stamps and other representatives of value, of whatever denomination, which have
been or may be issued under any Act of Congress.
2. Adjusted Compensation Certificates for Veterans of the World Wars.
3. Obligations or Securities of any Foreign Government, Bank, or Corporation.
4. Copyrighted materials, unless permission of the copyright owner has been obtained
or the reproduction falls within the "fair use" or library reproduction rights provisions of
the copyright law. Further information of these provisions may be obtained from the
Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20559. Ask for Circular R21.
5. Certificates of Citizenship or Naturalization. Foreign Naturalization Certificates may
be photographed.
6. Passports. Foreign Passports may be photographed.
7. Immigration Papers.
8. Draft Registration Cards.
Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre 118 Beknopte referentiehandleiding
National Bank Currency
Federal Reserve Bank Notes
Gold Certificates
Treasury Notes
Fractional Notes
Paper Money