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Hoofdstuk 2 - Definities; Symbolen En Definities Van De Fabrikant - Miller Auto-Line XMT 350 CC/CV Handleiding

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Some symbols are found only on CE products.
Some symbols are found only on CE products.
1-1. Additional Safety Symbols And Definitions
1-1. Additional Safety Symbols And Definitions
1-1. Additional Safety Symbols And Definitions
Some symbols are found only on CE products.
Some symbols are found only on CE products.
Some symbols are found only on CE products.

Symbolen en definities van de fabrikant

Bepaalde symbolen worden alleen aangetroffen op CE-producten.
OM-2254 Pagina 6
Warning! Watch Out! There are possible hazards as shown by the symbols.
De volledige onderdelenlijst is beschikbaar op
Do not discard product (where applicable) with general waste.
Warning! Watch Out! There are possible hazards as shown by the symbols.
Reuse or recycle Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) by disposing at a designated collection
Warning! Watch Out! There are possible hazards as shown by the symbols.
Contact your local recycling office or your local distributor for further information.
Do not discard product (where applicable) with general waste.
Warning! Watch Out! There are possible hazards as shown by the symbols.
Do not discard product (where applicable) with general waste.
Warning! Watch Out! There are possible hazards as shown by the symbols.
Reuse or recycle Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) by disposing at a designated collection
Warning! Watch Out! There are possible hazards as shown by the symbols.
Reuse or recycle Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) by disposing at a designated collection
Wear dry insulating gloves. Do not touch electrode with bare hand. Do not wear wet or damaged gloves.
Contact your local recycling office or your local distributor for further information.
Contact your local recycling office or your local distributor for further information.
Do not discard product (where applicable) with general waste.
Do not discard product (where applicable) with general waste.
Reuse or recycle Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) by disposing at a designated collection
Do not discard product (where applicable) with general waste.
Reuse or recycle Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) by disposing at a designated collection
Reuse or recycle Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) by disposing at a designated collection
Contact your local recycling office or your local distributor for further information.
Wear dry insulating gloves. Do not touch electrode with bare hand. Do not wear wet or damaged gloves.
Contact your local recycling office or your local distributor for further information.
Wear dry insulating gloves. Do not touch electrode with bare hand. Do not wear wet or damaged gloves.
Contact your local recycling office or your local distributor for further information.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Wear dry insulating gloves. Do not touch electrode with bare hand. Do not wear wet or damaged gloves.
Wear dry insulating gloves. Do not touch electrode with bare hand. Do not wear wet or damaged gloves.
Wear dry insulating gloves. Do not touch electrode with bare hand. Do not wear wet or damaged gloves.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Disconnect input plug or power before working on machine.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Disconnect input plug or power before working on machine.
Disconnect input plug or power before working on machine.
Keep your head out of the fumes.
Disconnect input plug or power before working on machine.
Disconnect input plug or power before working on machine.
Disconnect input plug or power before working on machine.
Keep your head out of the fumes.
Keep your head out of the fumes.
Keep your head out of the fumes
Keep your head out of the fumes.
Keep your head out of the fumes.
Keep your head out of the fumes.
Keep your head out of the fumes
Keep your head out of the fumes
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use ventilating fan to remove fumes.
Keep your head out of the fumes
Keep your head out of the fumes
Keep your head out of the fumes
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use ventilating fan to remove fumes.
Use ventilating fan to remove fumes.
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use ventilating fan to remove fumes.
Keep flammables away from welding. Do not weld near flammables.
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Keep flammables away from cutting. Do not cut near flammables.
Keep flammables away from welding. Do not weld near flammables.
Waarschuwing! Pas op! Kans op gevaar (zie de symbolen).
Het product niet meegeven met het gewone afval (waar van
Hergebruik of recycle afgedankte elektrische en elektronische appa-
ratuur (AEEA-regels). Voer de apparaten af naar een daarvoor be-
stemd inleverstation.
Neem contact op met de gemeente of uw lokale dealer voor nadere
Draag droge, geïsoleerde handschoenen. De elektrode niet met de
blote hand aanraken. Geen natte of kapotte handschoenen dragen.
Bescherm uzelf tegen elektrische schokken door uzelf te isoleren van
het werk en de aarde.
Haal de stekker van de machine uit het stopcontact, voordat u aan de
machine gaat werken.
Zorg ervoor dat u niet in de rook staat.
Gebruik actieve ventilatie of een afvoersysteem om de dampen van
de werkplek af te voeren.
Gebruik een ventilator om de dampen af te voeren.
Houd brandbare stoffen uit de buurt van het laswerk. Niet lassen vlak-
bij brandbare stoffen.
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Safe9 2012
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