FLAT - 2X1
Use the adhesive plastic probe-holder located on the side
wall of the screw feed. Pass the probe cable (black) through
the opening in the plastic probe-holder and fasten the probe
in place by inserting it by its leg (the part covered by the
rubber sheath).
Use the supplied adhesive plastic probe-holder:
Fan coil without base (figure 05)
Fan coil with base (figure 06)
Fan coil with front suction (figure 07)
The humidity probe is an optional accessory. If one is
installed, it must be connected to the SU-SU clamps on
the I/O board. The probe sensor can be positioned where
it will be in contact with the air flow of the unit's suction
circuit (if there is also a remote temperature probe, strap
them together as illustrated in the figure below) or in any
other point in the room subject to temperature and humidity
IT IS also possible to position the probe sensor inside the
user unit using the relative hook on the base of the unit
(figure 08).
Controller for units
IT IS strictly forbidden to reproduce this manual, even partially
The cable supplied with the humidity sensor is equipped
with a shield. There is no need to connect this shield to
the I/O board. If interference from near-by power cables or
other is affecting the relative humidity reading, connect the
aforementioned shield to the GND clamp on the RS485 serial
The water temperature detection probe (white cable) is an
optional accessory.
With 2-pipe units (single coil) the water probe must be
connected to clamps I2 - C1 of the I/O board. With 4-pipe
units it is possible to choose (through the "Number of
water probes" parameter in the CONFIGURATION MENU)
how many probes (one or two) to use. If you choose to
use a water probe, it must be installed so that it reads the
temperature of the heating water (and is therefore installed
on the hot water coil) and must be connected to clamps
I2 - C1 of the I/O board. If, on the other hand, you choose to
use two water probes, the cold water detection probe must
be connected to clamps I2 - C1 of the I/O board, whereas
the hot water detection probe must be connected to clamps
I3 - C1 of the I/O board.
Use the copper probe-holder for the water probe and,
depending on the case, set it up as described below. Fan
coils for:
2-PIPE system - NO VALVE or 2-WAY VALVE: the water
probe must be set up on the exchanger (figure 09);
2-PIPE system - NO VALVE or 2-WAY VALVE: the water
probe (if single) must be set up on the exchanger in the
heating circuit (figure 10); any second probe must be
installed on the exchanger in the cooling circuit;
2-PIPE system - WITH 3-WAY VALVE: the water probe
must be positioned on the valve entrance, on the branch
leading out from the system (figure 11);
4-PIPE system - WITH 3-WAY VALVES: the water probe
(if single) must be positioned on the entrance of the
heating valve, on the branch leading out from the circuit
(figure 12); any second probe must be installed on the
entrance of the cooling valve on the branch leading out
from the circuit.
Rev 01