To drill the holes, proceed as follows:
Place the supplied drill jig (M)
against the wall observing the min-
imum distances from the ceiling,
the floor and from the side walls
indicated on the jig itself which can
be kept in the correct position using
adhesive tape (Y) (fig. 4).
Use a small drill or punch to mark,
with extreme care, the exact centre
of each of the holes to be drilled
Using a core boring head measur-
ing at least 202 mm (or 162 mm)
to drill the two holes for entry and
exit of the air.
Drill the foregoing holes tilted
slightly downwards to prevent
water from being fed back
through the ducts (fig. 5).
Most of the removed material is expelled outwards, therefore make
sure that it does not hit any person or object when it falls out.
In order to avoid as much as possible outer plaster breaking, it is
necessary to proceed carefully with the last part of hole execution,
decreasing pressure on core borers.
Drill the holes, previously marked, for the wall plugs related to the fixing brackets
(fig. 6).
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