6. Operation
HARC-SMS is an electronic device intended to be connected to any H-LINK system, Packaged or Chiller, which is permanently
monitoring H-LINK bus in order to detect any alarm.
It must be contracted a GSM service with its corresponding SIM card.
When any alarm is detected, HARC-SMS registers for min all alarms occurred (max. 5 alarms) and report them inside initial
SMS. If more than 5 alarms occur, then it is add a "Multiple Alarm" note to SMS.
Initial SMS is send times for safety in order to avoid communication missing and it is send these times to each Mobile
number registered (max. 5 mobile phone).
After initial sending, this SMS is re-sent with a certain frequency for a certain duration period (see chapter 5). In each repetition
only 1 SMS is sent to each Mobile number.
It can be configured a feedback signal from HARC-SMS with a certain frequency.
HARC-SMS send installation STATUS (like "INFO function" in 6.3-D) to mobile numbers set in positions 1 and 2 with a
frequency set in SW7 pins 7 and 8.
SMS messages sent are not cost-free, so ensure that desired configuration of frequency and duration period are
correctly configured in order to avoid uncontrolled huge costs.
PMML0162A-rev.0 - 6/2008
HARC-SMS - Installation Manual
HARC-SMS - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Alarm Register
( min)
Up to 5 alarms
Send SMS to:
- Mob. No. 1
- Mob. No. 2
- Mob. No.
- Mob. No. 4
- Mob. No. 5
Repeat SMS
(Freq. &
11 11