4. Treatment phase I: Treat the outside of
the thigh with the nub side using small,
fast, circular movements and moderate
pressure (for approx. 3 minutes).
5. Treatment phase II: Treat the outside of the
thigh with the nub side using slow, deep,
circular movements and increased pres-
sure (for approx. 3 minutes).
6. Treatment phase III: The third treatment
phase is drainage. Glide the device to-
wards the centre of the body/heart using
the coloured edge and moderate pressure.
When doing so, start the movement at the
upper part of the outside of the thigh and
slowly move the starting point down to-
wards the knee. One stroke should be
approximately 10 cm long. Carry out this
process 5 times moving down the outside
of the thigh until you reach the knee area.
At the end, move the device over the tis-
sue of the entire outside of the thigh once.