If the try square is very close to the
blade, the groove in the blade is worn
and the blade must be replaced.
Note! You can get the blade to last
longer by turning it on the chainsaw
Cleaning the air filter
Clean the air filter regularly.
Release the clips (15) by tilting them out
using the key provided.
Lift cover plate.
Lift the filter element out.
Clean the filter element using com-
pressed air.
If there is a lot of dirt, you can wash it in
warm water with a little detergent. Al-
low it to dry fully and pour a little clean
oil onto it before replacing it. Wipe the
inside of the filter cover with a damp
cloth. If the filter element is worn or
defective, it should be replaced.
Cleaning the fuel filter
Use a piece of steel wire, etc. to remove
the filter from the fuel tank.
Rinse the filter thoroughly with petrol or
replace. Do not allow dust or dirt to get
into the tank when cleaning.