4. Enter water volume of the fl ushing section VA H
(see Fig. 6)
5. Open the water supply. If the minimum fl ow velocity v H
minimum volume fl ow VS H
The fl ushing time (according to information leafl et T 84-2004 "Flushing,
Disinfection and Commissioning of Drinking Water Installations" of the
German Central Association for Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning)
depends on the pipe length and should not drop below 15 s per metre. The
fl ushing time must be at least 2 minutes per tapping point.
(If the defaults v H
O and VS H
the cause, repeat the process)
6. Display screen: Water pressure (p H
fl ushing time (t H
O), volume of used water (V H
\ Enter
7. Esc >> Start menu \ Memory Manager, data transfer >> 3.8.
In order to feed in compressed air, water pressure of ≥ 0.2 bar must be applied
and a water quantity of ≥ 2 l must have fl owed through the machine.
3.1.3 Flush with water/air mixture with constant compressed air program
3.1.3 Flush with water/air mixture with constant compressed air program
The compressed air is fed continuously with an excess pressure of 0.5 bar
above the measured water pressure in this program. The compressed air pulses
in the program 3.1.2 fl ushing with water/air mixture with intermittent compressed
air" are omitted here. Although these considerably improve the cleaning effect,
they subject the pipes to greater stress. If there are any reservations about
the strength of the pipes to be fl ushed, this program at least achieves an
improvement of the cleaning effect in comparison with program 3.1.1 fl ushing
with water (without air supply) by a jolt-free turbulence due to the constantly
fed compressed air.
REMS Multi-Push displays the used water volume on the screen among other
Program sequence ↑ ↓ (8):
1. Flush \ Enter
2. Continuous air fl ow \ Enter
3. Check default max. DN according to table 2 and change if necessary
(11) \ ↓
4. Enter water volume of the fl ushing section VA H
(see Fig. 6)
5. Open the water supply. To exit \ Enter, (\ Esc = cancel)
6. Display screen: Water pressure (p H
volume (V H
O) \ Enter
7. Esc >> Start menu \ Memory Manager, data transfer >> 3.8.
In order to feed in compressed air, water pressure of ≥ 0.2 bar must be applied
and a water quantity of ≥ 2 l must have fl owed through the machine.
3.2 Program Ingredients / Disinfection of drinking water installations
No drinking water may be be drawn off for consumers during disinfection
of drinking water installations!
The European standard EN 806-4:2010 prescribes the following for the
"Selection of disinfectants":
"Drinking water installations may be disinfected after fl ushing if this is prescribed
by a responsible person or authority."
"All chemicals that are used for the disinfection of drinking water installations
must meet the requirements for chemicals for water treatment which are spec-
ifi ed in European standards or, if European standards are not applicable, in
national standards."
"Disinfectants must be used and applied in agreement with the appropriate EC
directives and all local or national regulations."
"Transport, storage, handling and use of all these disinfectants can be dangerous,
therefore health and safety requirements must be strictly observed."
"The system must be fi lled with the disinfection solution with the initial concen-
tration and for the contact time defi ned by the disinfectant manufacturer. If the
remaining concentration at the end of the contact time is below the manufac-
turer's recommendation, the whole disinfection process may have to be repeated
until the remaining concentration after the corresponding contact time has been
reached. After successful disinfection, the system must be drained immediately
and fl ushed thoroughly with drinking water. Flushing must be continued according
to the instructions/recommendations of the disinfectant or until the disinfectant
can no longer be traced or is below the level permitted by national regulations.
Persons carrying out the disinfection must be adequately qualifi ed."
"After fl ushing a sample (samples) must be taken and subjected to a bacteri-
ological examination. If the bacteriological examination of the sample/samples
reveals that insuffi cient disinfection has been achieved, the installation must
be fl ushed and disinfected again, then further samples must be taken."
"A full record of the details of the entire procedure and the test results must be
compiled and submitted to the owner of the building."
Technical Rule – Worksheet DVGW W 557 (A) October 2012 of the German
Association of the Gas and Water Industry e.V. (DVGW).
The following must be observed for Germany
additives, that are used for the disinfection of drinking water installations must
O (0-999 l) (11) \ Enter
O = 0,5 m/s, the
O and the fl ushing time are reached \ Enter
O are not reached: \ Esc = cancel, clarify
O), minimum fl ow velocity (v H
O), volume fl ow (VS H
O (0-999 l) (11) \ Enter
O), fl ushing time (t H
O), used water
Germany: "All chemicals including the
meet the requirements for chemicals for water treatment which are defi ned in
European or German standards (DIN EN 806-4)." "Every installation disinfec-
tion stresses the materials and components of the drinking water installation
so that the drinking water installation can be damaged."
"If the chemical disinfection is carried out section by section, the line sections
to be treated must be shut off from the rest of the drinking water installation.
Opening the tapping points of the section of the installation to be disinfected
one after another ensures that the disinfectant gets into the whole section." "At
the end of the exposure time, a minimum concentration dependent on the initial
disinfectant concentration and exposure time necessary to assure disinfection
must be verifi able at all tapping points. This must be checked at least at every
tapping point of the individual lines farthest away from the dosing point."
"At the end of the disinfection of drinking water installations, the used disinfec-
tion solution must be cleared so that no damage to the environment is caused.
The oxidising effect of the disinfectant can be rendered ineffective by adding
reducers. The pH value must also be observed and corrected if necessary."
An application concentration for the dosing solution for hydrogen peroxide H
of 150 mg H
/ l and an exposure time of 24 hours are recommended.
Information leafl et "Flushing, disinfection and commissioning of drinking
water installations" (August 2014) of the German Central Association for
Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning (ZVSHK)
The following must be observed for Germany
entire system must be fl ushed at all tapping points until the concentration of
the disinfectant at all tapping points measured at the transition point (usually
the water meter) is reached or dropped below again.
To be observed for disposal: "If the water used for disinfection of an installation
is to be drained into a drain pipe or sewer, the responsible department must
be informed and the water may only be drained when the responsible depart-
ment has granted its permission." "Because of the rapid decomposition, the
disposal of hydrogen peroxide by draining into the sewer system is unproblem-
A maximum line length of 100 m is specifi ed for fl ushing sections in the European
standard EN 806-4:2010 and in the information leafl et "Flushing, Disinfection
and Commissioning of Drinking Water Installations" (August 2014) of the German
Central Association for Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning (ZVSHK). For
this length a volume of approx. 20 l is required for a ½" galvanised steel pipe
and a volume of approx. 100 l disinfectant for a 1 ¼" pipe (see Fig. 6: Volume
in l/m of different pipes).
Depending on the volume of the individual pipe sections, several pipe sections
can be disinfected with one bottle of REMS Peroxi Color dosing solution (see
Accessories 1.2 Article Numbers). However, it is recommended not to use an
opened bottle for longer than one day because the dosing solution loses in
concentration. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes in time and loses its effect
depending on the environment in which it is stored. Therefore the concentration
of the dosing solution should be checked for effectiveness before every disin-
fection. To do this, fi ll a clean, sealable container with 100 ml of water and draw
1 ml of dosing solution from the bottle using the pipette provided with every
carton of REMS Peroxi Color and add it to the container (ratio 1:100). Seal the
container and shake well. The concentration of the container contents is meas-
ured with the test strip (Art. No. 091072) according to the instructions printed
on the test strip package. This should be ≥ 150 mg/l H
Open the bottle (21), remove the locking ring from the bottle cap and pour the
delivered dye (20 ml bottle) into the bottle (21) immediately before the disin-
fection process. Close the bottle and shake it so that the dye mixes evenly with
the hydrogen peroxide.
The dye is not harmful to the health but very intensive and is very diffi cult to
remove from the skin or clothing. Therefore pour the dye into the bottle carefully.
Fit bottle to the disinfection unit REMS V-Jet TW as shown in Fig. 7 (21). The
nozzles installed in REMS V-Jet TW and REMS V-Jet H for automatic dosing
of dosing solution, cleaner and corrosion protection are different sizes and
adapted to the properties of the ingredients to be injected. Therefore make
absolutely sure that REMS V-Jet TW is connected for disinfection of drinking
water pipes. Select program Ingredients \ disinfection DW. During the fi lling
process, all tapping points on the drinking water installation must be opened
one after another, starting with the furthest away, until the dyed disinfection
solution emerges at the respective tapping point. If the tapping point is in a
dark environment it is helpful to hold a white background (e.g. a sheet of paper)
behind the outlet in order to be able to see the disinfection solution better.
The supply to the disinfection unit before REMS Multi-Push and the drain to the
drinking water installation must be shut off at the end of the disinfection process.
Then the bottle (21) must be removed slowly so that excess pressure can escape.
Then the bottle (21) must be removed slowly so that excess pressure can escape.
Then the bottle (21) must be removed slowly so that
After 24 hours exposure (recommendation of the German Central Association
for Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning (ZVSHK) and recommendation of
the German Association of the Gas and Water Industry (DVGW), the disinfec-
tion solution must be fl ushed out of the drinking water installation with REMS
Multi-Push. To do this, all tapping points must be opened again one after another,
starting with the nearest, until there is no longer any trace of the dyed disinfec-
tion solution.
Additionally, peroxide test strips can be used if necessary to check the concen-
tration (accessories, see 1.2 Article numbers).
Germany: "At the end of disinfection, the