Fig 36
The solution tube will be under pressure, switch off the pump and operate the trigger to
release the pressure in the system BEFORE removing the solution tube from the
Fig 40
Cleaning the machine
Emptying the waste water
You can empty the waste water tank by using the
dump hose attached to the rear of the machine
(Fig 36).
The waste water tank can also be removed and
carried using the handle to a suitable waste disposal
area and emptied (Fig 37).
Follow the national guide lines when disposing of
chemicals. (COSHH) see page 11
Removing the wands and floor-tool
Fig 38
Cleaning the tanks, filters and hoses.
Unclip the solution tube from the machine see NOTE above.
Remove the wands, floor-tool (Fig 38)
and hose assembly from the machine (Fig 39).
To keep your NUMATIC machine in pristine condition
Clean all filters and tanks regularly.
Remove the waste tank vacuum filter
(Fig 40) and clean.
Fig 37
Fig 39