extended display mode — A display setting that allows
you to use a second monitor as an extension of your
display. Dit wordt ook wel Dual Display-modus genoemd.
extended PC Card — A PC Card that extends beyond the
edge of the PC Card slot when installed.
Fahrenheit — A temperature measurement scale where
32° is the freezing point and 212° is the boiling point of
FBD — fully-buffered DIMM — A DIMM with DDR2
DRAM chips and an Advanced Memory Buffer (AMB)
that speeds communication between the DDR2 SDRAM
chips and the system.
FCC — Federal Communications Commission — A U.S.
agency responsible for enforcing communications-related
regulations that state how much radiation computers and
other electronic equipment can emit.
fingerprint reader — A strip sensor that uses your unique
fingerprint to authenticate your user identity to help
secure your computer.
folder — A term used to describe space on a disk or drive
where files are organized and grouped. Bestanden in een
map kunnen worden weergegeven en geordend op
verschillende manieren, bijvoorbeeld alfabetisch, op
datum of op grootte.
format — The process that prepares a drive or disk for
file storage. Wanneer een schijf of station wordt
geformatteerd, wordt de aanwezige informatie gewist.
FSB — front side bus — The data path and physical
interface between the processor and RAM.
FTP — file transfer protocol — A standard Internet
protocol used to exchange files between computers
connected to the Internet.
G — gravity — A measurement of weight and force.
Verklarende woordenlijst
GB — gigabyte — A measurement of data storage that
equals 1024 MB (1,073,741,824 bytes). Bij verwijzing naar
opslag op een harde schijf wordt dit vaak afgerond naar bytes.
GHz — gigahertz — A measurement of frequency that
equals one thousand million Hz, or one thousand MHz.
De snelheid voor computerprocessoren. bussen en
interfaces wordt vaak vermeld in GHz.
graphics mode — A video mode that can be defined as x
horizontal pixels by y vertical pixels by z colors. Grafische
modi kunnen oneindig veel verschillende vormen en
lettertypen weergeven.
GUI — graphical user interface — Software that interacts
with the user by means of menus, windows, and icons. De
meeste programma's die werken onder de
besturingssystemen van Windows zijn GUI's.
hard drive — A drive that reads and writes data on a hard
disk. De termen harde schijf en vaste schijf worden door
elkaar gebruikt.
heat sink — A metal plate on some processors that helps
dissipate heat.
hibernate mode — A power management mode that saves
everything in memory to a reserved space on the hard
drive and then turns off the computer. Als u de computer
opnieuw opstart wordt de informatie die was opgeslagen
op de harde schijf automatisch teruggezet.
HTTP — hypertext transfer protocol — A protocol for
exchanging files between computers connected to the
Hyper-Threading — Hyper-Threading is an Intel
technology that can enhance overall computer
performance by allowing one physical processor to
function as two logical processors, capable of performing
certain tasks simultaneously.
Hz — hertz — A unit of frequency measurement that
equals 1 cycle per second. Metingen voor computers en
elektronische apparaten worden vaak weergegeven in
kilohertz (kHz), megahertz (MHz), gigahertz (GHz),
of terahertz (THz).