Verklarende woordenlijst
Begrippen in deze woordenlijst zijn alleen voor
informatieve doeleinden. De beschreven begrippen
hebben al dan niet betrekking op uw specifieke
AC — alternating current — The form of electricity that
powers your computer when you plug the AC adapter
power cable in to an electrical outlet.
ACPI — advanced configuration and power interface —
A power management specification that enables
operating systems to put a
computer in standby or hibernate mode to conserve the
amount of electrical power allocated to each device
attached to the computer.
AGP — accelerated graphics port — A dedicated graphics
port that allows system memory to be used for video-
related tasks. AGP levert vloeiende videobeelden met
zuivere kleuren, vanwege de snellere samenwerking tussen
het videoschakelsysteem en het computergeheugen.
AHCI — Advanced Host Controller Interface — An
interface for a SATA hard drive Host Controller which
allows the storage driver to enable technologies such as
Native Command Queuing (NCQ) and hot plug.
ALS — ambient light sensor — A feature that helps to
control display brightness.
antivirus software — A program designed to identify,
quarantine, and/or delete viruses from your computer.
ASF — alert standards format — A standard to define
a mechanism for reporting hardware and software alerts
to a management console. ASF is platform- en besturings-
battery life span — The length of time (years) during
which a portable computer battery is able to be depleted
and recharged.
battery operating time — The length of time (minutes
or hours) that a portable computer battery powers the
BIOS — basic input/output system — A program (or
utility) that serves as an interface between the computer
hardware and the operating system. Wijzig deze
instellingen niet, tenzij u op de hoogte bent van de
effecten ervan op uw computer. Dit wordt ook wel
systeeminstellingen genoemd.
bit — The smallest unit of data interpreted by your
wireless technology — A wireless technology
standard for short-range (9 m [29 feet]) networking
devices that allows for enabled devices to automatically
recognize each other.
boot sequence — Specifies the order of the devices from
which the computer attempts to boot.
bootable CD — A CD that you can use to start your
computer. Zorg ervoor dat u altijd een opstart-cd of -
diskette bij de hand hebt in het geval uw harde schijf is
beschadigd of uw computer een virus bevat. Uw Drivers
and Utilities (Stuur- en hulpprogramma's) (of
ResourceCD) (Bron-cd) is een opstart-cd.
bootable disk — A disk that you can use to start your
computer. Zorg ervoor dat u altijd een opstart-cd of -
diskette bij de hand hebt in het geval uw harde schijf is
beschadigd of uw computer een virus bevat.
bps — bits per second — The standard unit for measuring
data transmission speed.
BTU — British thermal unit — A measurement of heat
Verklarende woordenlijst