5.1.3 Installing the battery
1. a) Down tube battery: Insert the battery into the bat-
tery holder of the Pedelec from the front/above. At the
same time, the key must be in the lock and must be
turned anticlockwise.
Installing the battery
b) Seat tube battery: Insert the battery into the
holder of the Pedelec from the left by tilting it out-
wards at roughly 45°.
Installing the battery
2. Press the battery down into the holder until the lock-
ing mechanism engages. Now turn the key clockwise
and remove it. The battery is now locked in place.
Locking the battery
3. Make sure the battery is firmly in place.
Original User Manual | Xion Pedelec
Battery information system
There is a display panel on the outer face of the battery
which includes five LEDs and a battery key. The LEDs light
up as soon as you press the battery key. Information about
the charge state and capacity of the battery is provided
based on the number of LEDs that light up and the way in
which they light up.
Down tube battery: battery charge state
5.2.1 Checking the charge state
Press the battery key briefly, the LEDs light up and display
the current battery charge state.
5 LEDs light up
4 LEDs light up
3 LEDs light up
2 LEDs light up
1 LED lights up
1 LED flashes
5.2.2 Checking the capacity
If you hold down the battery key for roughly five seconds,
the LEDs show the current battery capacity. If the LED in
the largest panel lights up, then the battery has a capacity
of over 60%. If the capacity is below 60%, this is indi-
cated via the smallest LED. Only one of the two LEDs can
light up at any one time.