Transport information
The pump and the pipes can be dismantled for easier installation. A leak test must be performed after reattachment of the
pump and the pipes.
Transport by forklift truck! During transport by forklift truck the pump should be disconnected at the pipe clamps of the
rinsing pipe and tank connection in order to avoid a heavy load on the weldseams at the connection between the pump
and the tank.
Choose suitable installation location
Pre-requisites for the operation of separator systems:
Ensure aeration and/or ventilation of the room.
Set-up area level and capable of bearing sufficient load (see "Technical data", page 21 ).
3-phase power connection available.
Room temperature at least 15 °C.
Sealed floor covering with integrated drain.
Hot and cold water connections available.
Room height at least 60 cm higher than the grease separator, so that the inspection openings can be opened for cleaning
At least 1 m free working space in front of the grease separator.
Inlet with calming section of at least 1 m (gradient 1: 50). Transition of on-site downpipe to calming section equipped with
2 x 45° bends.
If the inlet pipe is longer than 10 m horizontally, it must be vented separately.
Installing the pipes
Connect the inlet and outlet
Connection of inlet and outlet to the draining system on
If the connections are to be mutually swapped, remove
them together with the screws (1) and seals (2) and
swap them accordingly. Make sure that the seals (3)
have been sufficiently lubricated.
Installation and operating instructions
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