sure that the location of the plumbing connection allows for easy access to allow for shuto昀昀 dur-
ing scheduled maintenance ! NOTE: Once the new plumbing connections are complete ensure
that the lines are 昀氀ushed to prevent any debris from going into the unit .
2. Lift the media tray out of the unit and set it aside .
3. Connect the water line, reduced to 1/4" tubing, to the main valve located in the bottom left side
of the unit (Figure 8). CAUTION: Ensure that the end of the tubing is cut square to prevent leak-
ing .
4. Connect the water supply tubing to the main water valve by removing the locking ring and insert-
ing the tubing so that it is fully inserted (approximately 1/2" [12 mm]) . Reinstall the locking ring .
5. Complete electrical installation steps before opening the main water valve .
6. Priming (pre-昀椀lling with water) is required . See Priming the Unit on page 12 .
Flame Ba昀툀es
The unit comes with the slotted ba昀툀es pre-installed to create a uniform 昀氀ame . The unit can be
operated with the pre- installed ba昀툀es removed . If desired, customize the appearance of the 昀氀ame
using the provided individual ba昀툀es .
7. To remove the pre-installed ba昀툀es, insert a screwdriver into a slot of the ba昀툀e and carefully
remove each one .
8. Separate the single ba昀툀es provided by bending the strip until each ba昀툀e breaks o昀昀 .
9. To insert the ba昀툀es, use a screwdriver to carefully pry open the 昀氀ame output slot on the top
cover . Install the ba昀툀e by putting the side with the two tabs down, and inserting it so that the lip
on the top cover goes over the ba昀툀e ! NOTE: If installed correctly, the ba昀툀e should not be able
to slide within the 昀氀ame output slot .
10. Place the ba昀툀es across the 昀氀ame output slot as desired to create the desired 昀氀ame appearance
Media Arrangement
The decoration of the Faber e-SliM Linear models are delivered separately in a box. This box con-
tains the logs + decoration and a wood set card how to decorate the models.
! NOTE: It is not recommended to position the driftwood pieces across the 昀氀ame output slot. If
this con昀椀guration is desired, use the provided single ba昀툀es to block the mist beneath the log(s) to
prevent condensation.
It is possible to use custom media ornaments to decorate your 昀椀replace. The custom media must
昀椀t easily without scratching the glass or bowing the media bed, and must not be composed of sand
or liquid, which could interfere with the safety of the 昀椀replace .
Front Glass Installation
! NOTE: Two people are required for installation of the front glass .
1. Ensure there are no debris or 昀椀nger prints on the inner side of the front glass before you begin .
2. Attach the provided suction cups to the outer side of the front glass . Ensure the suction cups
are securely attached .
3. Using the suction cups to assist, lift the glass and place it directly in front of the media bed at a
slight angle .
4. Lift the front glass slightly to hook the front glass onto the posts on each side of the 昀椀replace .
(Figure 11) ! NOTE: When installed correctly, the front glass should not obstruct the hidden touch
controls .
5. Remove the suction cups and clean any 昀椀ngerprints or debris o昀昀 the glass with a nonabrasive
glass cleaner . !NOTE: Do not dispose of the suction cups! Keep them in a secure location, as
they may be needed for maintenance and service on this 昀椀replace .