6.3.3 Operation during interruption of
Slave pump behaviour
Master pump behaviour
When communication is interrupted between two pump heads in dual
pump operation, both displays show the error code "E052". Both
pumps behave as single pumps for as long as the interruption lasts.
• Both electronic modules report the malfunction via the ESM/SSM
• The slave pump runs in emergency operation (manual control) mode
according to the emergency operation speed previously set on the
master (see menu items <>). The factory setting for the emer-
gency operation speed is about 60% of the pump's maximum speed.
• After acknowledging the fault display, the status display will be
shown on both pump displays for the duration of the communication
interruption. This resets the ESM/SSM contact at the same time.
• The slave pump display will show the symbol (
emergency operation).
• The (former) master pump continues to have control. The (former)
slave pump follows the emergency operation settings. Emergency
mode can only be exited by triggering the factory setting, eliminating
the interruption in communication or by switching the mains off/on.
During communication interruptions, the (former) slave pump cannot
run in auto control, since the differential pressure sensor has switched
to the master. When the slave pump is running in emergency opera-
tion mode, changes cannot be made to the electronic module.
• After the end of the communication interruption, the pumps will
resume regular dual pump operation as before the malfunction.
Leaving emergency operation at the slave pump:
• Factory settings restored
During a communication interruption on the (former) slave, if emer-
gency operation is discontinued because the factory settings have
been restored, the (former) slave will start up with the factory settings
of a single pump. It will then run in p-c mode at about half the max-
imum delivery head.
In the absence of a sensor signal, the (former) slave will run at maxi-
mum speed. To prevent this, the (former) master's differential pres-
sure sensor signal can be looped through. When the double pump is
operating normally, it is not affected by sensor signals pending on the
• Mains off/mains on
During a communication interruption on the (former) slave, if emer-
gency operation is discontinued due to mains off, mains on, the
(former) slave will start up with the latest emergency operation set-
tings received from the master (for example, control mode with pre-
set speed or off).
Leaving emergency operation at the master pump:
• Factory settings restored
During a communication interruption on the (former) master, if the
factory settings are restored, it will start up with the factory settings
of a single pump. It will then run in p-c mode at about half the max-
imum delivery head.
• Mains off/mains on
During a communication interruption on the (former) master, if emer-
gency operation is discontinued due to mains off, mains on, the
(former) master will start up with the latest settings it has from the
double pump configuration.
– pump running in
WILO SE 08/2016