Thank you for purchasing a
Read this manual and all other manuals pertaining to the Spray Star 1000 carefully as they have safety, operat-
ing, assembly and maintenance instructions. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or equipment dam-
Keep manuals in a safe place after operator and maintenance personnel have read them. Right and left sides are
from the operator's seat, facing forward.
machines have a Serial Number and Model Number. Both numbers are needed when ordering
parts. The serial number plate on the Spray Star 1000 is located on the right main frame, in front of the oil tank.
Refer to engine manual for placement of engine serial number.
For easy access record your Serial and Model numbers here.
Information needed when ordering replacement parts:
1. Model Number of machine.
2. Serial Number of machine.
3. Name and Part Number of part.
4. Quantity of parts.