The screen shows error code E7.
The incline motor is damaged, please contact your reseller.
The screen shows error code E8.
The console's memory banks are damaged, please contact your reseller.
The screen shows error code E9.
There is a problem with the heart rate sensors. This error is also shown when your
not holding the hand heart rate sensors during the BODY INDEX test. Make sure your
hands are clean and have good contact with sensors. If the error continues, please
contact your reseller.
My iOS or Android device is not connecting to the TM2000i.
1. Turn off any app used for connecting to the TM2000i
2. Turn off the treadmill with the 1/0 switch. Wait 5 seconds, and turn the treadmill
back on again.
3. Enter the bluetooth settings menu of your mobile device. Choose the option
"Forget this device" and turn off the bluetooth
4. Repeat the bluetooth connection steps described in this manual.
In case your problem is not resolved or not described, consult the fitness reseller
where you purchased this product.
5. General information
Manual Avenue TM2000i Treadmill - 71