Adjusting Colors before Printing
Digital Photo Printing Guide
Digital Photo Printing Guide
Colors before Printing
Select Natural M in Image Optimize (Print Effect) to print in the specified color.
Customizing Brightness and Adjust levels
Select Natural M in Image Optimize (Print Effect) to customize Brightness, Adjust levels, Face
brightener and Red-eye corr. before printing.
You can adjust the brightness of the entire image by increasing/reducing the midtone
luminance, without changing the colors of the darkest (blackest) and brightest (whitest) parts.
Even for a photo of blue sky and shadows, you can make the shadowy parts clearer by
Darkest (blackest) part
Adjust levels
Specify the darkest (blackest) and brightest (whitest) parts, or detect them automatically to
print images most suitable for the midtone luminance.
Exposure can be compensated even if set incorrectly when capturing an image.
The darkest (blackest) and brightest (whitest) parts of an image are detected and
luminance is adjusted to the most appropriate level.
Adjusting Colors Flexibly on a Digital Camera before Printing
Adjusting Colors before
Brightest (whitest) part
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> Adjusting