Completely read through the operating instructions, the „Warranty
and Additional Information" booklet as well as the latest informa-
tion under the internet link at the end of these instructions. Follow
the instructions they contain. These documents must be kept in a
safe place and passed on together with the product.
Intended use
Compact laser rangefinder for measuring lengths, surfaces and volumes
General safety instructions
– The device must only be used in accordance with its intendedpurpose
and within the scope of the specifications.
– Keep the measuring device away from children.
– Modifications or changes to the device are not permitted, this will
otherwise invalidate the approval and safety specifications.
– Do not expose the device to mechanical stress, extreme temperatures,
moisture or significant vibration.
– The device must no longer be used if one or more of its functions fail
or the battery charge is weak.
– Please ensure compliance with the safety regulations set out by local
and national authorities with regard to the correct and proper use of
the device.
Safety instructions
Using class 2 lasers
IEC 60825-1:2014, EN 60825-1:2014/A11:2021
– Attention: Do not look into the direct or reflected beam.
– Do not point the laser beam towards persons.
– If a person's eyes are exposed to class 2 laser radiation, they should
shut their eyes and immediately move away from the beam.
– Tampering with (making changes to) the laser device is not permitted.
– Under no circumstances should optical instruments (magnifying glass,
microscope, binoculars)
Safety instructions
Dealing with electromagnetic radiation
– The measuring device complies with electromagnetic compatibility
regulations and limit values in accordance with EMC-Directive
– Local operating restrictions – for example, in hospitals, aircraft, petrol
stations or in the vicinity of people with pacemakers – may apply.
Electronic devices can potentially cause hazards or interference or
be subject to hazards or interference.
– The measuring accuracy may be affected when working close to high
voltages or high electromagnetic alternating fields.
DistanceCheck 40
Laser radiation!
Do not stare into the beam!
Class 2 laser
< 1 mW · 650 nm