• Old batteries may contain pollutants or heavy met-
als that can harm the environment or human health.
Recycling old batteries and using the resources they
contain helps to protect these two important issues.
• The symbol of the crossed-out dustbin means that
primary batteries and rechargeable batteries must
not be disposed of with household waste.
• If the signs Hg, Cd or Pb are also located below the
dustbin symbol, this stands for the following:
- Hg: Battery contains more than 0.0005% mercury
- Cd: Battery contains more than 0.002% cadmium
- Pb: Battery contains more than 0.004% lead
• Rechargeable batteries and primary batteries can
be returned free of charge to the following places:
- Public disposal or collection points (e.g. municipal
works yards)
12. Troubleshooting
Filter does not darken
in the intended way or
Slow reaction.
Poor visibility.
Welding helmet slips.
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Possible cause
Protector is polluted or damaged.
Arc sensor is not clear.
Welding current is to small.
Battery is low.
The ambient temperature is too low.
Sensitivity is too low.
Viewing pane is dirty.
Backing foil on the viewing pane was not
The ambient light is not sufficient.
The wrong darkening shade has been set. Reset the darkening shade.
Head band is not adjusted correctly.
- Sales points for primary batteries and recharge-
able batteries
- Take-back points of the common take-back sys-
tem for old device batteries
- Take-back point of the manufacturer (if not a
member of the common take-back system)
• These statements are only valid for rechargeable
batteries and primary batteries sold in the countries
of the European Union and subject to the Europe-
an Directive 2006/66/EC. In countries outside the
European Union, different regulations may apply to
the disposal of rechargeable batteries and primary
Protector has to be cleaned or replaced.
Clean the surface of the arc sensor.
Sensitivity has to be set to its maximum.
Battery has to be changed.
Welding helmet must not be used below
Sensitivity has to be increased.
Viewing pane has to be cleaned.
Backing foil has to be removed.
Lighting conditions have to be adjusted.
Headband has to be set more firmly.