SmartBridge Gateway Node 2
RouterNode 2
7. Maintenance
8. Signalling
Green flashing (~1.5 Hz)
Green flashing (~0.3 Hz)
Red flashing (briefly)
Green flickering
The device itself is maintenance-free. However, the
performance of radio networks will always depend on
environmental influences. These influences can
change and affect the performance of your radio
network. You should therefore check the network
configuration and performance of your radio network
at regular intervals.
Network failure in critical situations
With the System 3060 and WaveNet you can imple-
ment emergency functions such as amok protection.
These emergency functions are critical.
1. Test locking systems in which critical emergency
functions are implemented at least once a month.
2. If necessary, also comply with other standards and
regulations according to which your system is oper-
Configured and ready to use.
Not configured, but ready for op-
Data transfer
7. Maintenance
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