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Sm oke alarm devices are designed t o m inim ize nuisance alarm s.
Com bust ion part icles from cooking m ay set off t he alarm if t he alarm
is locat ed close t o t he cooking area. Large quant it ies of com bust ible
part icles are generat ed from spills or when grilling/ frying. Using t he
fan on a range hood t hat vent s t o out side ( non- recirculat ing t ype)
will also help rem ove t hese com bust ible part icles from t he kit chen.
The alarm silence ( t est but t on) is ext rem ely useful in a kit chen area
or ot her areas prone t o nuisance. The hush feat ure is t o be used only
when a known alarm condit ion, such as sm oke from cooking
act ivat es t he alarm . The sm oke alarm device is desensit ized by push
t he alarm silence ( hush m ode) on t he sm oke alarm device cover, if
t he sm oke is not t oo dense, t he alarm will silence t o indicat e t hat t he
alarm is in a t em porarily desensit ized condit ion. The sm oke alarm
device will aut om at ically reset aft er approxim at ely 10 m inut es, if
aft er t his period, part icles of com bust ion are st ill present , t he alarm
will sound again. The alarm silencer ( hush m ode) can be repeat edly
unt il t he air has been cleared of t he condit ion causing t he alarm .
N OTE: Dense sm oke will override t he alarm silencer and sound a
cont inuous alarm , t he sm oke alarm goes back t o norm al work
st at us from hush m ode
CAUTI ON : Before using t he alarm silence ( hush) , ident ify t he
source of t he sm oke and be cert ain a safe condit ion exist s.