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The devices are m aint enance- free, so never open t hem . The guarant ee
becom es void when you open t he appliance.Only clean t he out side of t he
devices wit h a soft , dry clot h or a brush. Prior t o cleaning, rem ove t he
devices from all volt age sources. Do not use any carboxylic cleaning
agent s or pet rol, alcohol or sim ilar. These at t ack t he surfaces of t he devices. Besides,
t he vapors are hazardous t o your healt h and explosive. Do not use any sharp edged
t ools, screw drivers, m et al brushes or sim ilar for cleaning. W a r ning: Prot ect t he
bat t ery against fire, t oo m uch heat and sunshine.
* Make sure t hat all elect ric connect ions and connect ion cables m eet t he pert aining
regulat ions and are in conform it y wit h t he operat ing inst ruct ions.
* Do not overload elect rical out let s or ext ension cords, fire or elect ric shocks can
be t he result
* Please cont act an expert in case you have any doubt s about t he m ode of
operat ion, t he safet y or connect ing t he appliances.
* Keep all part s away from young children's reach
* Do not st ore t his it em on wet , very cold or warm places, t his can dam age t he
elect ronic circuit boards.
* Avoid dropping or shocks, t his can dam age t he elect ronic boards
* Never replace dam aged power cables yourself! I n such a case, rem ove t hem
from t he net and t ake t he devices t o a workshop.
* Repairs or opening of t his it em m ay only be perform ed by an aut horised
* Wireless syst em s are subj ect t o int erference from cordless phones, m icrowaves,
and ot her wireless devices operat ing in t he 2.4GHz range. Keep t he syst em AT
LEAST 10 ft away from t he devices during inst allat ion and operat ion.
* Do not swallow bat t eries. Keep bat t eries out of t he reach of children.



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