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Do not inst all t he alarm in a place wit h difficult access, which could
m ake it difficult t o operat e t he t est but t on and m aint enance. The
alarm can be inst alled quickly and easily. I nst all t he base plat e on t he
select ed locat ion using t he provided screws.
3. Mount ing
* Take t he fixat ion pin out of t he ground plat e
* Screw t he m ount ing plat e wit h 2 screws on t he celling
* Act ivat e t he sm oke alarm device before m ount ing
* Fix t he sm oke alarm device on t he m ount ing plat e by t urning,
t ill you hear a " click"
* Put t he fixat ion pin in t he hole
* Test t he sm oke alarm device by pushing t he t est but t on
4. Caut ion
* Do not cover t he sm oke alarm device wit h t ape! When SMOKE
is det ect ed, you will hear a loud int erm it t ent sound ( 85dB) .
5. Recom m endat ion
* I ncrease t he det ect ion area by inst alling several sm oke alarm
During t he sm oke alarm is alarm ing, you push t he t est but t on, it will
be paused t he sm oke alarm alarm ing for approx. 10 m inut es. The
red LED will flash every 8 seconds, it indicat es t he sm oke alarm
device is running int o t he hush m ode.
ALARM SI LEN CE ( hush m ode )
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