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Smartwares RM218 Gebruikershandleiding pagina 11



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for exam ple t hrough a window. I f t he sm oke alarm device is not
working properly, consult t he inst ruct ions of t he supplier. Keep t he
m anual wit hin reach. The local fire depart m ent can provide m ore
inform at ion about fire prevent ion. Keep t he sm oke det ect or away
from children.
W a r ning
I f t here is any doubt about t he cause of t he alarm , assum e t hat t here
really is a fire and carry out your em ergency plan. Please do not
assum e t hat it is a false alarm . Dust can cause excessive sensit ivit y.
Vacuum as indicat ed above. Do not paint t he sm oke alarm device.
Fa lse a la r m
Unusual at m ospheric condit ions m ay be t he cause t hat t he very
sensit ive sm oke det ect or gives a false alarm . I f t here is no fire,
vent ilat e t he room and / or blow clean air in t he sm oke alarm device,
for exam ple, by waving a newspaper under t he sm oke alarm device
unt il t he alarm st ops. Once it is clean, t here is an aut om at ic reset .
Re com m e nda t ion
We recom m end t hat you do not use sm oke alarm devices t hat are
older t han 10 years in order t o lim it t he risk of defect s. The sm oke
alarm device is not a subst it ut e for insurance for furnit ure, hom e,
life, or ot her form of insurance.



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