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This product has fact ory warrant y according t o EU regulat ions. Guarant ee last s for
t he num ber of years shown on t he packaging, st art ing from t he dat e of purchase.
Keep t he receipt - proof of purchase is required in order t o rely on guarant ee. I n
t he case of problem s, please cont act wit h t he st ore where you purchased t he
product . For furt her product inform at ion visit our websit e: art
You can also regist er your product t here.
Cor r e ct D isposa l of This Pr oduct ( W a st e Ele ct r ica l & Ele ct r onic Equipm e nt )
( Applica ble in t he Eur ope a n Union a nd ot he r Eur ope a n count r ie s w it h
se pa r a t e colle ct ion syst e m s)
This m arking shown on t he product or it s lit erat ure, indicat es t hat it should
not be disposed wit h ot her household wast es at t he end of it s working life. To
prevent possible harm t o t he environm ent or hum an healt h from uncont rolled
wast e disposal, please separat e t his from ot her t ypes of wast es and recycle it
responsibly t o prom ot e t he sust ainable reuse of m at erial resources.Household users
should cont act eit her t he ret ailer where t hey purchased t his product , or t heir local
governm ent office, for det ails of where and how t hey can t ake t his it em for
environm ent ally safe recycling. Business users should cont act t heir supplier and
check t he t erm s and condit ions of t he purchase cont ract . This product should not be
m ixed wit h ot her com m ercial wast es for disposal.
* Alw a ys t hr ow e m pt y ba t t e r ie s t o t he ba t t e r y r e cycling bin.
* I f t he ba t t e r y is built - in inside t he pr oduct , ope n t he pr oduct a nd
r e m ove t he ba t t e r y.