Three-phase electric cables (e.g. for electric cook-
5.6 Indication of object class
5.7 Indication of detection status
Status LED
5.8 Scanning limitations
Due to the scanning principle employed, certain unfavor-
able circumstances may negatively affect the result:
Walls or floors consisting of multiple layers
Empty plastic pipes in hollow brick, wood beams in
cavities and in drywall partitions
Objects that run through the wall, floor or ceiling at
an angle
Metal surfaces and damp areas; under certain cir-
cumstances, these may be detected as objects in
the material scanned
Cavities in the material scanned; these may be
detected as objects
Proximity to appliances that emit powerful mag-
netic or electromagnetic fields, e.g. mobile phone /
cordless phone base stations or generators
5.9 Examples of scan results
In the following examples the signal tone is switched on.
Printed: 25.01.2018 | Doc-Nr: PUB / 5151174 / 000 / 04
Low-voltage cables (e.g. for doorbells or telephones)
Ferrous metal
Non-ferrous metal
Live electric cables
Unknown objects
The LED lights green.
The LED lights red.
The LED blinks red.
5.9.1 Steel reinforcing bars
A steel object, e.g. a steel rebar, is present in the sensor
area. To the left and right of this are other objects which
are outside the sensor area. The depth of the object is
approx. 8 cm (3.1 in). The tool emits a signal tone.
Steel reinforcement (rebars) and water-
filled plastic pipes
e.g. copper or aluminium pipes
e.g. plastic pipes, wood beams and
e.g. live AC cables, live low-voltage
cables or live three-phase cables
Unknown objects, including objects at a
depth of more than 6 cm
No object detected.
Object detected.
The object detected is very probably live
(i.e. carrying electric current).
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