• What milk do you recommend I use to get my yoghurts just right?
To get your yoghurt right every time, we recommend you use full-cream UHT
• If I only have semi-skimmed milk, can I still use it?
Yes, you can use semi-skilled milk, but your yoghurts will be more liquid.
To make them firmer, you can add the equivalent of a pot of powdered
full-cream milk to your preparation.
• What ferment should I use?
As a ferment, you can either use a yoghurt that you can buy in the shops or
that you have made yourself or a freeze-dried ferment.
• Do I have to put the yoghurts in the fridge directly after the end of the
heating cycle?
No you don't have to. If you program the cycle to run over night, you can
wait until the next morning before putting them in the fridge. You don't need
to be there when the cycle stops.
• Sometimes there is condensation on the lid, what should I do about
This is normal. At the end of the program and if there is a lot of condensation
from the steam, lift up the lid, without tilting it and put it in the sink. This will
avoid you getting water droplets in your yoghurts.
• Do I have to use all the pots?
No. If you don't want to use all the pots, then just block the spaces which
are not being used with an empty pot for the 6 pot version or the pot lids for
the 12 pot version.
• Do I add the sugar before or afterwards?
You can put sugar in your yoghurts during the preparation phase at the same
time as the ferments. Also, before tasting you can add sugar, honey, vanilla
flavour sugar or syrup...