Connecting the signal inputs
The complete PA set is equipped with symmetrical XLR inputs and with unsymmetri-
cal cinch connections. The type of connection does not affect operation. However,
make sure you always use only one type of connection.
When connecting the signal inputs, make sure that the connection
cable is not pinched or damaged by sharp edges.
The inputs may be connected only to low-level audio outputs of
audio devices.
The complete PA set and the device it is connected to must both
be switched off during connection.
When connecting the cinch or XLR inputs, only use suitably
shielded cinch or XLR connection cables. Using incorrect cables
may cause interference.
To avoid distortion or mismatching that may damage the PA com-
plete set, only audio devices with a cinch output may be connect-
ed to the cinch inputs of the device. Only devices with XLR out-
puts may be connected to the XLR inputs.
Also observe the connection values in the „Technical data" chap-
Connect the INPUT LEFT/RIGHT cinch
connections (5) or INPUT LEFT/RIGHT
XLR connections (6) with the pre-amplifi-
er outputs of the upstream audio device
(e.g. mixer).
Attach the INPUT RIGHT connection to
the right pre-amplifier output.
Attach the INPUT LEFT connection to
the left pre-amplifier output.