App sub-menu with control functions:
A Return to the main menu
B Take a photo
C Start a video recording
D File manager (view images/videos)
E Select whether to control the vehicle with the remote control or smartphone app
"ON" = Control the vehicle with the remote control
"OFF" = Control the vehicle with your smartphone (the in-app controls I, J, K and L will be displayed) and disable
the remote control
F 3D mode for VR headset
G Choose whether to steer the vehicle using the in-app steering wheel or by moving your smartphone (using your
smartphone's position sensors)
H Mirror image
Steer to the left
J Steer to the right
K Drive forwards
L Reverse
Controls I, J, K, and L are only displayed when you choose to control the vehicle with your smartphone via
menu option E. The remote control will be disabled and the buttons will have no function.