USB symbol on the inverter display, e.g. in display mode 'NOW':
USB stick for up-
With the help of the USB stick, end customers can also update the inverter software via the
dating the invert-
USB item on the SETUP menu: the update file is first saved to the USB stick, from where
er software
it is then transferred to the inverter. The update file must be saved in the root directory on
the USB stick.
Remove USB
Security note concerning the removal of a USB stick:
A C O u t p u t P o w e r
NOTE! Please note for outdoor applications that conventional USB flash drives
are often only guaranteed to work within a restricted temperature range. For out-
door applications ensure that the USB flash drive also functions, for example, at
low temperatures.
Do not disconnect
while LED is flashing!
If the inverter detects a USB flash drive,
the USB symbol will appear in the top right
corner of the display.
When inserting a USB flash drive, check
whether the USB symbol is displayed (it
may also flash).
IMPORTANT! To avoid any loss of data, a
USB stick may only be removed if the fol-
lowing conditions are met:
only remove a USB stick via the
'Safely remove USB / HW' item on the
SETUP menu
the 'Data transmission' LED has
stopped flashing or comes on steady.