The 'Energy-Manager' function can be used to activate the floating switch contact in such
(in Relay menu
a way that it functions as an actuator.
Thus a consumer that is connected to the floating switch contact can be controlled by spec-
ifying a switch-on or switch-off point that depends on the feed-in power.
The floating switch contact is automatically switched off,
To activate the 'Energy-Manager' function, select 'E-Manager' and press the 'Enter' key.
When the 'Energy-Manager' function is running, the 'Energy-Manager' symbol will appear
in the top left corner of the display:
To deactivate the 'Energy-Manager' function, select a different function and press the 'En-
ter' key.
Notes on setting up the switch-on and switch-off points
If the difference between the switch-on and switch-off points is too small, or if there are fluc-
tuations in effective power, the result may be multiple switching cycles.
To avoid switching on and off frequently, the difference between the switch-on and switch-
off points should be at least 100 - 200 W.
When choosing the switch-off point the power consumption of the connected consumer
should be taken into account.
When choosing the switch-on point, the weather conditions and anticipated insolation
should also be taken into account.
Application example
Switch-on point = 2000 W, switch-off point = 1800 W
If the inverter is outputting 2000 W or above, then the floating switch contact on the inverter
is switched on.
If the inverter output falls to below 1800 W, the floating switch contact is switched off.
Possible applications:
operating a heat pump or an air-conditioning system using as much self-generated power
as possible
Time / date
Set the time, date and automatic changeover between summer and winter time
Setting range
Set time
Set the time (hh:mm:ss or hh:mm am/pm - depending on the setting in the time display for-
Set date
Set the date ( or mm/dd/yyyy - depending on the setting in the date display for-
if the inverter is not feeding any power into the grid,
if the inverter is manually switched into standby mode,
if the effective power is < 10% of nominal output,
in the event of insufficient insolation.
when the floating NO contact is off (open contact)
when the floating NO contact is on (closed contact)
Set time / set date / time display format / date display format /
summer/winter time