Little or no crema on the top of
the coffee
Sparse coffee dispensing, only
drop by drop
Weak "body"
Foam instead of crema
If the machine will not to be used for a long period of time, it is recommended to
.. clean the brew group (see instructions in chapter 7.2). Afterwards, please do not clamp the portafilter back
into the group. empty the boilers. Turn the switch of the operational machine to position off. Open the hot water valve
and the boiler water is now discharged by the remaining pressure through the hot water release. Close the
hot water valve after the water has been released. The coffee boiler is emptied out via the brew group.
Activate the brew group lever and release the water into the drip tray. Please make sure some water remains
in the coffee boiler. Start-up of the machine is the same as initial startup (item 5.).
How to froth milk
If possible, use cold, fresh milk with a fat content of approx. 1.5 % or 3 %. Even homogenized milk is
suitable - if you prefer.
Use a pitcher (made of metal) with a minimum volume of 0.5 litres. The diameter of the pitcher should
not be too wide. A narrow and high container is perfect.
Open the steam valve for approx. 5 seconds to release the condensation water and to create dry steam.
Fill 1/3 of the frothing container with milk and place it under the steam nozzle. The nozzle should be
immersed in the middle of the frothing container, just below the surface.
Slowly open the steam handle or the steam valve. Steam pervades the milk.
Keep the pitcher still.
After a few seconds you will notice a light suction in the milk jug. Proper frothing begins. Move the milk
jug downwards while the milk level increases. The steam nozzle must be kept under the surface of the
frothed milk.
After frothing the milk, release the steam into the drip tray to avoid blockage of the steam nozzle.
Attention: When the desired amount of milk froth is reached, immerse the entire steam nozzle in the
frothing container for a short time and close the steam lever or the steam valve.
Advice: When milk frothing is finished, just shake the frothing container a little bit in order to make the
milk bubbles ascend to the surface and to get a compact milk froth.
If you haven´t used up all the milk, you can froth the remaining milk in the pitcher afterwards.
Translation of the original German user manual
Possible Cause
The grind is not fine enough
The coffee is too old.
The amount of ground coffee is
not enough.
The shower screen is dirty.
The grind is too fine.
There is too much ground coffee.
The grind is not fine enough.
The coffee is old.
The amount of ground coffee is
not enough.
The shower screen is dirty.
The beans are improper.
The setting of the coffee grinder
is not suited for the coffee beans
in use.
Use a finer grind.
Tamp the ground coffee more
Reduce the brewing pressure.
Use fresh coffee
Use the right coffee amount:
Approx. 7 g – 9 g of coffee for
each cup.
Clean the brew group.
Set a coarser grind.
Tamp ground coffee only slightly.
Increase the brewing-pressure.
Use approx. 7 g – 9 g of coffee
for every cup.
Set a finer grind..
Use fresh coffee.
Use approx. 7 g – 9 g of coffee
for each cup.
Clean the shower screen.
Use another type of coffee bean.
Adjust the coffee grinder (When
changing the coffee beans,
changing the grind may also be