A Oil used in the engine should have API classification and Proper SAE Engine Oil according to the ambient
temperatures as shown below:
Above 25°C (77°F)
SAE30, SAE10W-30 or 15W-40
-10 to 25°C (14°F to 77°F)
SAE10W-30 or 15W-40
Below -10°C (14°F)
A Recommended API classification
Refer to the following table for the suitable American Petroleum Institute (API) classification of engine oil according
to the engine type (with internal EGR, external EGR or non-EGR) and the Fuel Type Used : (Ultra Low Sulfur or
High Sulfur Fuels).
Fuel type
High Sulfur Fuel
(If the "CF-4, CG-4, CH-4 or CI-4" engine oil is used
[0.05 % (500 ppm)
with a high-sulfur fuel, change the engine oil at
Sulfur Content <
shorter intervals. (approximately half))
0.50 % (5000 ppm)]
Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel
[Sulfur Content <
CF, CF-4, CG-4, CH-4 or CI-4
0.0015 % (15 ppm)]
EGR: Exhaust Gas Re-circulation
Engine oil classification (API classification)
Engines with non-EGR
Engines with internal EGR
Engines with external EGR
CF or CI-4
(Class CF-4, CG-4 and CH-4 engine, oils
cannot be used on EGR type engines.)