Wartungs- und Gebrauchsanleitung | Onderhouds- en gebruiksaanwijzing | Maintenance Instructions and Directions for Use | Notice de maintenance et d'utilisation
System not running
Awning too far open
Uneven compensation
joint in bottom profile
Uneven gaps between
the drop profile and side
Wrinkling in the fabric
Stress whitening in the
Kubata | 123312-0000 w | v2.4 | 2019-11-27
- No power
- Drive incorrectly connected
- Motor is too hot and has been shut
down by the thermo protector
- Fabric has stretched
- Bearing surfaces not lubricated
- If there is an uneven wall on site,
the compensation joint corrects a
difference up to 2 - 6 mm between the
back profile and bottom profile
- Drop profile not centred
- Where very large widths and projections
apply (400 cm and above), it is possible
that the fabric will rest on the folding
arms when the awning is not fully open.
Wrinkling may occur
- Stress whitening occurs in the seam area
due to friction when the fabric is wound.
A ripple pattern emerges on the fabric
due to the Optinut's rippled surface.
- Connect to the mains (suitable specialist retailer)
- Connect to the mains (suitable specialist retailer)
- Wait approx. 15 to 20 minutes until the motor
has cooled down
- Re-set the drive's upper end position (suitable specialist retailer)
- Maintenance and care (suitable specialist retailer)
- Difference 2 - 6 mm: no installation error or product fault! The
joint depends on the design, it compensates for unevenness on
site and guarantees the drop profile closes smoothly.
- Difference of more than 6 mm: Check/correct the awning
housing installation (suitable specialist retailer).
- Gap difference < 2 mm: gap within the tolerance range de-
pending on design. There is not an installation error.
- Gap difference > 2 mm: centre the drop profile again accor-
ding to the information in the instructions for assembly (suitable
specialist retailer)
- Wrinkling is due to the design with large versions and not an
installation error or product fault!
- The stress whitening effect is due to the design and is not an
installation error or product fault! Stress whitening occurs re-
gardless of the roller tube version. Fabrics with strong and dark
colours are more prone to this.
weinor GmbH & Co. KG