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Trans Port; Disposal And Recycling; Trouble S Hooting - Scheppach SG3500i Vertaling Van De Originele Gebruikershandleiding



11. S to rag e
11.1 Pre paratio n fo r s to rag e
Empty the fuel tank using a petrol extraction pump
(s e e s e ction 11.2).
Warning : Do not re move the pe trol in e nclos e d
spaces, near fire or when smoking. Pe trol fume s
can cause explosions and fire.
Change the oil at the end of every season.
To do s o, re move the us e d e ngine oil from a warm
engine and refill with fresh oil.
Re move the s park plug (23). (Fig. 12)
Fill the cylinder with approx. 20 ml of oil from an
oil can.
Pull the start pull cord slowly so that the oil pro-
tects the inside of the cylinder.
S cre w the s park plug (23) back in.
S tore the de vice in a we ll-ve ntilate d place or are a.
11.2 Drain pe tro l with a pe tro l e xtrac tio n pump
In cas e of s torage ove r a longe r pe riod of time , the pe t-
rol mus t be draine d.
Hold a collection container under the hose of the
pe trol e xtraction pump (not include d in the s cope
of delivery).
Unscrew and remove the tank filler cap (2).
Remove the fuel filter insert (24).
Pus h the hos e of the pe trol s uction pump into the
fuel tank and drain the petrol completely using the
pe trol e xtraction pump.
Reinsert the fuel filter insert (24).
Retighten the fuel filler cap (2).
12. Trans po rt
Empty the fuel tank using a petrol extraction pump
(s e e s e ction 11.2).
If ope rational, ke e p the e ngine running until the
re maining pe trol has be e n us e d up.
Drain the e ngine oil from the warm e ngine (as de -
s cribe d unde r 10.2.2 Oil change).
Re move the s park plug conne ctor (24) from the
s park plug (23).
S e cure the de vice agains t s lipping us ing a te ns ion
s trap, for e xample .
The powe r ge ne rator can be lifte d and move d via
the handle (1).
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13. Dis po s al and re c yc ling
No te s fo r pac kag ing
The packaging materials are recy-
clable . Ple as e dis pos e of packag-
ing in an environmentally friendly
manne r.
No te s o n the e le c tric al and e le c tro nic e quipme nt
ac t [Ele ktro G]
Was te e le c tric al and e le c tro nic e quipme nt
do e s no t be lo ng in ho us e ho ld was te , but
mus t be c o lle c te d and dis po s e d o f s e pa-
rate ly!
• Us e d batte rie s or re charge able batte rie s that are not
installed permanently in the old appliance must be
removed non­destructively before disposal. Their
disposal is regulated by the battery law.
• Owne rs or us e rs of e le ctrical and e le ctronic de vice s
are legally obliged to return them after use.
• The e nd us e r is re s pons ible for de le ting the ir pe r-
s onal data from the old de vice be ing dis pos e d of!
• The symbol of the crossed­out dustbin means that
was te e le ctrical and e le ctronic e quipme nt mus t not
be dis pos e d of with hous e hold was te .
• Was te e le ctrical and e le ctronic e quipme nt can be
hande d in fre e of charge at the following place s :
- Public dis pos al or colle ction points (e .g. municipal
works yards)
- Points of sale of electrical appliances (stationary
and online), provide d that de ale rs are oblige d to
take them back or offer to do so voluntarily.
- Up to three waste electrical devices per type of
de vice , with an e dge le ngth of no more than 25
ce ntime tre s , can be re turne d fre e of charge to
the manufacture r without prior purchas e of a ne w
de vice from the manufacture r or take n to anothe r
authorised collection point in your vicinity.
- Further supplementary take­back conditions of
the manufacture rs and dis tributors can be ob-
taine d from the re s pe ctive cus tome r s e rvice .
• If the manufacture r de live rs a ne w e le ctrical appli-
ance to a private hous e hold, the manufacture r can
arrange for the fre e colle ction of the old e le ctrical
appliance upon re que s t from the e nd us e r. Ple as e
contact the manufacture r's cus tome r s e rvice for
this .
• These statements only apply to devices installed
and s old in the countrie s of the Europe an Union
and which are subject to the European Directive
2012/19/EU. In countrie s outs ide the Europe an Un-
ion, different regulations may apply to the disposal of
was te e le ctrical and e le ctronic e quipme nt.
You can find out how to dispose of the disused
de vic e fro m yo ur lo c al autho rity o r c ity adminis -
tratio n.
Fue ls and o ils
• Be fore dis pos ing of the unit, the fue l tank and the
e ngine oil tank mus t be e mptie d!
• Fuel and engine oil do not belong in household
was te or drains , but mus t be colle cte d or dis pos e d
of separately!
• Empty oil and fuel tanks must be disposed of in
an environmentally friendly manner.
14. Tro uble s ho o ting
The following table shows fault symptoms and describes remedial measures in the event of your machine failing to
work properly. If you cannot localise and rectify the problem with this, please contact your service workshop.
Po s s ible c aus e
Automatic oil cut­off starts
Engine cannot be
Spark plug sooty
s tarte d
No fue l
Ele ctronics de fe ctive
Ge ne rator has
Ove rload prote ction s witch
insu cient or no
trippe d
Air filter dirty
w w w.s c he ppac h.c o m
Re me dy
Check oil level, fill with engine oil
Cle an or re place s park plug
Top up with fue l
Repair by an authorised service centre.
Re s tart the powe r ge ne rator, re duce cons ume rs
Clean or replace filter
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