Ele c tric al s afe ty
Prior to us e , the ge ne rator and its e le ctrical e quip-
me nt (including line s and plug conne ctors) s hould
be che cke d to e ns ure that the re are no de fe cts .
The powe r ge ne rating unit mus t not be conne cte d
to anothe r powe r s ource s uch as the powe r s up-
ply of energy supply companies. In s pe cial cas e s
whe re a re s e rve conne ction to e xis ting e le ctrical
systems is provided, this must only be carried out
by a qualified electrician who will take into account
the differences between the operated equipment
us ing the public mains and ope ration of the powe r
ge ne rating unit. According to this part of IS O 8528,
the differences in the operating manual must be
Prote ction agains t e le ctric s hocks de pe nds on
the circuit breakers which are matched precisely
to the powe r ge ne rating unit. If a circuit bre ake r
mus t be re place d, this s hould be done us ing a cir-
cuit bre ake r with the s ame rating and pe rformance
characte ris tics .
Warning ! This powe r tool ge ne rate s an e le ctromag-
netic field during operation. This field can impair active
or pas s ive me dical implants unde r ce rtain conditions .
In order to prevent the risk of serious or deadly injuries,
we re comme nd that pe rs ons with me dical implants
consult with their physician and the manufacturer of
the me dical implant prior to ope rating the powe r tool.
ATTENTION: Us e o nly E10 unle ade d pe tro l as fue l.
m Us e o f pe tro l
m Dang e r to life ! Petrol is toxic and highly flam-
mable .
• Only store petrol in containers (canisters) designed
and te s te d for this purpos e . The tank caps mus t al-
ways be properly screwed on and tightened. De fe c-
tive caps must be replaced for safety reasons.
• Keep petrol away from sparks, open flames, per-
manent flames, heat sources and other sources of
ignition. Do not s moke !
• Refuel outdoors only and do not smoke while refu-
e lling.
• Before refuelling, switch off the combustion engine
and le t it cool down.
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w w w.s c he ppac h.c o m
• Petrol must be filled before starting the combustion
e ngine . While the combus tion e ngine runs or if the
machine is hot, the fue l cap mus t not be ope ne d and
petrol must not be filled.
• Open the fuel cap carefully and slowly. Wait for the
pressure to equalise and only then remove the tank
cover completely.
• Use a suitable funnel or filler pipe for refuelling so
that no fue l can s pill onto the combus tion e ngine and
hous ing or lawn.
• Do not overfill the fuel tank!
• To leave room for the fuel to expand, never fill the
fuel tank beyond the lower edge of the filling nozzle.
Obs e rve additional information in the combus tion
e ngine us e r manual.
• If petrol has overflowed, do not start the combustion
e ngine until the pe trol-contaminate d are a has be e n
cle ane d. Avoid s tarting the e ngine until the fue l va-
pours have evaporated (wipe dry).
• Always wipe up spilled fuel immediately.
• If pe trol has got on clothing, it mus t be change d.
• The tank cover must be properly screwed on and
tighte ne d afte r e ach re fue lling ope ration. The de vice
mus t not be put into ope ration without the original
tank cove r s cre we d on.
• For safety reasons, check fuel line, fuel tank, fuel
cap and connections regularly for damage, ageing
(brittleness), tight fit and leaks and replace if nec-
• Only empty the tank outdoors.
• Ne ve r us e be ve rage bottle s or s imilar to dis pos e of
or s tore ope rating mate rials , s uch as fue l. Pe ople ,
especially children, could be tempted to drink from it.
• Ne ve r s tore the de vice with pe trol in the tank ins ide
a building. Any fuel vapours produced can come into
contact with naked flames or sparks and ignite.
• Do not place the de vice and fue l tank ne ar he ate rs ,
radiant he ate rs , we lding machine s or othe r s ource s
of he at.
Ris k o f e xplo s io n!
If a de fe ct is de te cte d on the tank, the tank cove r or
on fuelcarrying parts (fuel lines) during operation, the
combustion engine must be switched off immediately.
The n cons ult a s pe cialis t de ale r.
Re s idual ris ks
The e le ctric tool has be e n built according to s tate -
oftheart and the recognised technical safety rules.
However, individual residual risks can arise during op-
e ration.
• Health hazard due to electrical power, with the use
of imprope r e le ctrical conne ction cable s .
• Furthermore, despite all precautions having been
met, some nonobvious residual risks may still re-
• Residual risks can be minimised if the "Safety infor-
mation" and the "Proper use" together with the oper-
ating manual as a whole are obs e rve d.
• Avoid accide ntal s tart-ups of the powe r ge ne rator.
• Use the device in the way that is recommended in
this ope rating manual. This is how to e ns ure that
your power generator provides optimum perfor-
mance .
Te c hnic al data
Powe r ge ne rator
Digital inve rte r
Protection category
Continuous output P
3.0 kW
(230 V) (S1)
Max. powe r P
(230 V) (S 2 5min)
3.2 kW
Max. powe r P
(230 V) (S 2 2s)
3.5 kW
pe ak
Rate d voltage U
230 V~
Rate d curre nt I
2 x 13 A (230 V~)
Rate d curre nt I
8.0 A (12 V)
Rate d curre nt I
2 x 2.1 A (US B)
Frequency F
50 Hz
Pe rformance clas s
Active power factor φ
Quality class
Drive motor type
air-coole d
Dis place me nt
141 cm
Max. powe r (e ngine)
3.6 kW / 4.8 PS
S upe r E10 pe trol
Tank conte nts
6.3 l
Engine oil type
Oil volume (approx.)
400 ml
Cons umption at full load
1.78 l/h
Max. te mpe rature .
40 °C
Max. altitude
1000 m
(above me an s e a le ve l)
S park plug
Te chnical change s re s e rve d!
w w w.s c he ppac h.c o m
Ope rating mo de S 1 (c o ntinuo us o pe ratio n)
The machine may be operated continuously with the
specified power.
Ope rating mo de S 2 (s ho rt-te rm o pe ratio n)
The machine may only be operated at maximum or
pe ak powe r for a brie f time .
No is e and vibratio n
m Warning : Noise can have serious effects on your
he alth. If the machine nois e e xce e ds 85 dB, ple as e
we ar s uitable he aring prote ction.
Info rmatio n o n no is e le ve l pe r EN IS O 3744:1995,
IS O 8528-10:1998
No is e data
S ound powe r le ve l L
S ound pre s s ure le ve l L
Uncertainty K
Unpac king
• Open the packaging and carefully remove the de-
vice .
• Re move the packaging mate rial, as we ll as the pack-
aging and transport safety devices (if present).
• Check whether the scope of delivery is complete.
• Check the device and accessory parts for transport
damage . In the e ve nt of complaints the carrie r mus t
be informed immediately. Late r claims will not be
re cognis e d.
• If possible, keep the packaging until the expiry of the
warranty period.
• Familiarise yourself with the device by means of the
operating manual before using for the first time.
• With acce s s orie s as we ll as we aring parts and s pare
parts use only original parts. S pare parts can be ob-
tained from your specialist dealer.
• Whe n orde ring ple as e provide our article numbe r as
well as type and year of manufacture for your equip-
me nt.
The de vic e and the pac kag ing mate rial are no t
c hildre n's to ys ! Do no t le t c hildre n play with plas -
tic bags, films or small parts! The re is a dang e r o f
choking or su ocating!
96 dB
74.6 dB
1.5 dB
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